i failed on my quest for just six ducks......
everyone that knows me knew i would and i bet all you, my dear readers also knew that six was never going to be......
the "number issue" arose as soon as i arrived at what i now call the "wonderful duck lady and her magnificent poultry".......
i was greeted by ducks and chickens all happily doing there thing, all looking so healthy, living by the sea with an amazing amount of room to free range and lots of fantastic housing.... i actually felt bad for the chosen ones that would be leaving this paradise......
i was pointed in the direction of a group of Indian Runners and told i could choose any of them...
i scanned the group and instantly fell madly in love with a duck with beautiful grey plummage and a black duck with a white spotty bib - i started to look for my other four.....
my eyes roamed around and this is where the problem started......
there nestled in the next field, protected from seagulls under a wire enclosure was seven (you can see where i am going with this....) younger Runners.... a mix of greys and blacks all with gorgeous markings.... my heart leapt and i was drawn towards them.....
were they for sale?
surely they were to beautiful to not have been snapped up already?
i asked the "wonderful poultry lady".....
and within seconds they were mine - joy of joys......
so if i was to take the youngsters only my basket already had one extra passenger......
it was then that my brain kicked in and i saw the protective mama standing next to her brood, eyeing me with suspicion......
i firstly assured her that the babes would be coming to a totally vegetarian household, and then i questioned her right to be worried for surely these were not infact her own children.....
apparently this stunning Aylesbury had happened upon a clutch of eggs that had been left by a Runner, who are known to be hopeless mama's, and sat on them as if they were her very own...
she then appeared one day with her newly adopted family of seven babes in tow.....
now i simply had to take the mama
i simply could not steal her babies that she had fought so hard to have.....
so we are up to eight
then my duck weary brain thought ahead to a time when the seven turned in to unruly teenagers who did not want to be seen out and about with their mother in tow.....
better have a couple more Aylesbury's so dear mama has some friends to return to.....
so we are up to ten
my weary duck brain then kicked in again and told my feet to "hot foot it out of duck paradise" which i did.....
sadly this took me past the field with the original Runners and i swear that the beautiful grey that i had already named "pigeon" was staring at me....
there she was standing tall right at the front of her group....
what was i supposed to do?
by now my very weary duck brain had officially thrown in the towel and given up..... my racing heart had taken over and i blurted out that i would take "pigeon" and a friend - for she simply could not travel alone ....
the black with the spotty neck would have to come too....
so we are up to twelve
it was at this point that i shut my eyes and made a mad dash past the chickens and the best looking cockerel i have ever seen....
he was also looking for a new home along with his gaggle of ladies....
his name was Colin and he actually sauntered over when he was called....
so i finally made it home after a happy few hours spent chatting to the lovely duck lady over coffee.... i knew she was lovely as the whole time we chatted she had a two day old chick nestled in her bra.....
it had got caught out in the rain and she was warming it through.....
how could you not love a woman that cares as much as this?
i then left with my disapointingly empty bra and drove home......
there was my boy happily building the duck house for six.....
how to break the news?
like all that know me he was not at all surprised and had made a much larger house ...... am i that predictable?
a few days later once the fencing was done and the house was neatly kitted out with nesting boxes and soft bedding i made the journey back to collect our brood....
they were all safely contained together from the night before...
all packed up and ready for their new life at Sea House....
it was then that i noticed the "extra passenger"....
a sweet fawn and white girl that had sneaked her way in.....
the lovely duck lady said she would remove her as we transfered them to my travelling box....
i admit dear readers that i panicked....
how could i reject one that so clearly needed a change of scene, a new life, a new direction....
my newly alert brain kicked in and counted the chosen twelve and confirmed my worst fear....
i would be taking home thirteen....
unlucky for some....
she would have to stay behind
she would have to be removed and placed back with the others
would they accept her back?
my heart was racing, my brain was once again giving up.....
as the rain started to fall i looked down at my team and just knew in that instant that thirteen would work for us...
then there were thirteen x

and i am happy to report that our new team of thirteen have settled in beautifully .....
more pictures soon
t x
I'm not sure how I surfed into your blog a few weeks ago, but ever since, I've been charmed.
Love your duckies and wish we had room for them here.
They are lovely. What a great flock. Love the photos.
Oh what a wonderful story! I was waiting and waiting, hoping for some pictures too. I am so glad you did not send no13 back!
re just lovely - I would have wanted to bring ALL of them home!
oohh tracy,that is sooo lovely,i would be just the same,i would find it very hard to choose & then worry about the ones left behind that i hadnt choosen incase their feelings were hurt & now had a complex!! as i was reading i could picture it,the lovely duck lady warming up the duckling,you driving home with your empty bra!!
look forward to more pics,so glad they are settling in so well,they must be so much fun!
have a happy weekend,
heidi. x
Oh Tracy, how you make me smile...lucky lucky ducks.
Aw, they're lovely:o)
Ducks are such happy little creatures.
Are you going to get your man to dig out a pond for them or are you get them an inflatable pool?
When I had Hannibal and Esmerelda I had to go away for a few days, so my mother looked after them. I took them up to her place; they could wander around her garden in safety. When I got back, I got the 'tut...tut" Turns out they'd had a whale of a time and eaten all the resident pond goldfish and frogs! Oooops.
If I were a duck, I'd want to come and live with you too!
Lucky ducks!
Having a bit of a crappy day and you made me smile. Your new brood are gorgeous - jacqui x
Awww Tracy they are beautiful.
You're so lucky, i love them all and would love to some.
I'm gonna send my Mummy one of the photo's if that is ok? she's having a ruff time of it with Dad, he's been taken in to a care home now and we're not sure if he'll be coming home again.
She is one of the biggest duck lovers and sadly never got around to having her own, so a lovely photo will cheer her up.
Ooow I'm so happy for you sweet lady. I knew you wouldn't come home with just 6 lol and nor would of I.
Lots of love, speak soon.
Catherine x
So really you have just put together a cricket team with a few extra 'men' - sensible thinking I would say ;-)
Oh Tracy, I admire you so much. I knew your heart was too big to only choose 6! You are an incerdible lady and I hope these new additions settle in well!
April xx
what a lovely story! It is wonderful that you can give these beautiful creatures a loving home.
Much as I've loved every post you've ever written, this one has to be the best!!! There's something about Indian Runners from my childhood, but I can't remember what it is, that makes me love them!
Shall enjoy watching their antics as the story unfolds.
Sue x
Do you have a pond? I have just been told that our tiny pond is too small for ducks - I really did fancy some Indian runners, but at this point I seem to have been overruled!
Pomona x
Bless you and your lovely brood xx
I would love a few ducks!Not sure how they would adapt to an sub-urban garden though.
It was meant to be. You can't fight it sometimes. You give them a good home and they obviously knew that.
Oh Tracy I just loved this, I have read it again and again...you big softy!! how fantastic for those ducks coming to their new home. lucky them thats what I say...and lucky you all those duck eggs yummy....your going to have to build a B&B soon you know and do tours..put me on the list now please..
Lots of hugs Lynn xxxx
So beautiful, I can just imagine them quacking their way around your garden.
What a simply wonderful post, I'm so glad you have 13. And as for warming chicks in your bra I can assure you it's not all its cracked up to be especially when it's because one has just been rescued having somehow flown into the lavatory bowl!
Well, you had my heart racing for a while there - I thought there weren't going to be photo's of them all. Phew, there they were at the end. Not surprised at all that 6 turned into 13. Only surprised it wasn't more.
P x
Love ducks
J x
Did I hear cupcakes ? Hi, just had to leave a note for you to say what a beautiful blog you have here. Interesting, creative posts and great pictures as well - perfect ! Thank you for sharing them and best wishes...
Hello Tracy
Found your blog about a month ago through Little Cotton Rabbits and have been avidly catching up with all your adventures since then.
It is a wonderful blog and I am in awe of your crafted items - they are so lovely.
I would very mcuh like to have an invite for the Sea House blog when you have time.
My blog is at http://stitchesoftime.wordpress.com and my e-mail address is alison.gorf@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks and take care
Tee hee hee! Trust you to come back with more quackers! Have you ever thought about calling birds? I saw them at the county show last year and loved them. Xxx
Bless - how lovely of you. They are very lucky ducks! Annie xx
I just love your blog, it is so charming and a joy to read. Also like you I would have a problem stopping at six ducks. How lucky they are to have a new home with you. Your bakers dozen will happily live out their days at Sea House, what bliss......
Hi Tracey, I love your story about the ducks. I love the photos of your doggies all sunning themselves before breakfast. Jane x
Oh I love ducks, I wanted to bring two ducklings home with me from the local county show but alas, the practicalities put an end to it...didn't stop me whining like a silly girl though!
They are truly lovely, (we all new you couldn't count to 6!)I must admit we have the same problem when we pick up the battery hens, a spare one usually comes home too..you just have to don't you?
Got to say before I go just how gorgeously handsome your gorgeously handsome tabby boy is! what lovely photos of him xx
I just stumbled upon your blog whilst blog hopping. I read the first paragraph and just had to keep reading, what a great story I had to laugh because I knew that I would do exactly the same thing hehehe. Unfortunatly I do not have the space for such a beautifull flock.
Oh dear I'm waffeling again.
anyway it was nice to meet you. I'm off to read some more.
Thank goodness you are as you are Tracey. Hope the new recruits are loving life at Sea House. They look great ducks.
Lisa x
How lovely it is to see your new ducks have arrived in their new home. We used to have over 30 at one time (and double that many hens) but life got in the way and eventually they all went (or latterly, were nabbed by polecats). I shall just have to enjoy yours vicariously.
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