Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sunday Portrait # fourteen

our lovely neighbours beautiful heart shaped cow :)

truly wonderful

t x


mollycupcakes said...

Awww be still my beating heart.

Just popping you an email sweet lady with our new address on, oowww i can't wait to recieve prezzies lol

Lots of lvoe,
Catherine and the cupcakes xxxx

heidi said...

that is soooo lovely,isnt nature clever?! x

Wendy said...

i wish i had that kind of a cow liveing next door .. x

Anonymous said...

Just caught up with your lovely photos...
How lovely. It's funny that fascination with plant pots that the dogies have, isn't it?
And how odd that only last Friday MY laptop too went up in puff of smoke - new hard drive necessary, so have spent lovely sunny day going up to London and fetching Frank's computer to work on while it is being mended.
love and best wishes
xx Elspeth
ps wish it was me on that yacht sailing by.. but it might well have been our neighbours who were sailing round north coast.