the sunbathers stagger from their beds where they have snoozed the night away, they then pop outside to do what they must do, they stagger in quickly scanning the worktop for any visible signs of food and then take their positions in front of the windows.....

and there the four of them stay until the sound of breakfast seeps its way in......

talulla, bean, mabel moo and now little cricket
our sun babies

the big boys are at this point leaping and bounding around the garden doing boy things..... running around with plant pots in their mouths, running through the swampy ground getting covered in stinky mud, and trying to eat each other alive...... as i said - boy things....
i know what i would rather be doing :)
we also enjoyed the sunshine and had breakfast around a bunch of cornflowers picked from the garden.....

and this boy rolled around on the sofa with glee as for once he had it all to himself - bliss x

this afternoon it was all change - i spent a good chunk of it painting ceilings - not a great job but the house has to be looking its best as my two sisters and my naughty but beautiful nephew are coming to stay next month and i cannot wait :)
t x
What a delightful post Tracy. I couldn't help notice the stunning-looking blanket in the background of the cornflowers picture - your work? Crochet? Gorgeous.
Beautiful post-as always!
Our hounds are sun worshippers too. On sunny mornings Molly wanders outside inspecting the temperature and if it's warm enough she potters around just outside the back door making just enough of a fuss in silence until I put her bed outside for her to lay on, she absolutely refuses to lay on the grass. And while this is going on? Henry and Badger are doing the boys stuff, they too run around with flower pots, any stolen food containers they can get hold of and generally get as dirty as possible while savaging each other before crashing out around Molly, each trying to edge onto her bed.
Welcome back, Tracy! I've missed aww-ing over your beautiful pets and admiring your lovely crafts. :)
Oh how lovely they look! I'd love to spend even a tiny portion of my day soaking up some sunshine!
arent they just adorable? my little man (jack russell) is the first thing i see in the morning,i couldnt wake up to anything better,he makes me smile every day!
Such gorgeous pics Tracy. Off for a great big catch up as the hols have put my blog reading all out. Hope you are all well xx
What wonderful shades of different colours your dogs are. It's relaxing just looking at them.
your post is delightful, it brightened my day. The cornflowers are lovely, and what a relaxed crew you have there. It is a shame they can't help you with the painting.
Hi Tracy. Been checking in on Cupcakes at Home for a while now. Have fallen in love with all your furry friends, especially the cheeky Cricket! I used to have a sunbather as well, my beloved Bruiser, Jack Russell, now sadly passed away. I can't for the life of me work out how to request access to your Sea House website. Can somebody enlighten me (not very IT clever)
Oh Archie what a snuggle puss you are lol
And girls you have the right idea, lots of suning much nicer than rolling in the swamp lol
Catherine and the cupcakes x
Love your iggies! I have 2 myself.
I just love to come by and see what all your furry things are up too! That are just adorable!
m ^..^
hee hee - my german shep is a sun baby - i have to put sunblock on her nose as it turns pink!!! : )
I know this is the post before but love the heart shaped cow! xx
Just beautifull, I love your dogs and cats. They look so content and happy with life, how much better can that be.....
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