the weather has finally turned - it is so cold, grey and windy here today that my mind is turning towards more Autumnal clothing.
sadly a large amount of my clothes are still packed away goodness knows where in our friends barn - trying to find anything in there has proved to be more than hopeless...
new thermals are needed
i have looked online and to be honest the results are pretty grim - i am not too fussy how the long johns (or long janes) look, but i would like a pretty top.
i am sure i once saw a stand at the CL fair with a company selling really good quality vests in the most lovely chalky colours - does anyone know who they are....?
i am also starting the massive thick sock purchasing for the year - Stephen seems to wear holes in his socks so quickly and life has become a little too busy to start darning!
socks, thermal undies, sweaters and of course some new yarn :)
i have no idea where my scarf collection is so a new one must be created - i am thinking a really chunky, soft grey scarf knitted on really big needles...... lovely x
looking out of the trailer window now, it is hard to believe that only yesterday you would have seen me moaning that it was too hot and stuffy in the trailer and too sunny outside!!!!
the weather here changes rapidly and i am sure we are in for one hell of a Winter....
surely after having such a brilliant Summer compared to the rest of the country, our luck will have to change.
it looks as if we will be in Betsy for at least the whole of October with no doubt the famous Caithness winds howling around us....
even today i can feel the trailer moving in the wind - it is pretty scary :(
tomorrow we are off to collect old cattle feed containers which we will fill with water and use as ballast for Betsy.
the house build has been on the go-slow since last Thursday, i will explain more over at Sea House in the next few days, but needless to say it has caused some frustration!
it makes me really worry that we will have to survive a full Winter inside Betsy - it would be truly awful
i think the plan at the moment is to finish the roof within the next two weeks so that we are water tight apart from the glass front which will be covered in plastic until the roof tiles are on.
we will then be able to install the Rayburn and the wood burner in the main bedroom and move us all in to one room.... cosy!
we will continue to use Betsy as a rather chilly bathroom facility - i can just picture me running in the dead of night, from the house in my thermals, in order to pee :)
on the craft front i have made quite a number of things - due to not being needed as builders mate (due to lack of materials) i have sat and sketched, sewed and crocheted.....
i will pop some images on as soon as i can get outside to take a picture without the item being blown out to sea!
needless to say quite a few things are looking rather festive
yay - it will soon be Christmas x
hopefully we will be inside Sea House with some sort of order in place as my lovely Ma and Pa and little brother ( and hopefully Mr Afterburn xx) are coming to share our first Christmas here...
even if we eat lunch off a makeshift table i do not care - just as long as we can offer a warm, dry bed that is not inside blooming Betsy!!!
i would also like to send out a plea and an apology to my sister......
yet again i have forgotten to send you a birthday card and gift - i did remember i just never managed to actually post anything :(
i send massive apologies and will rectify the situation ASAP
we would also like to know why you are not coming here for Christmas???
you have no choice
you have to come
think of all the sweets and cakes that you know i will have, that you will miss!
love you sweet girl x
yep.... another year where i have been completely hopeless remembering special days
i put it all down to being a Vegetarian.......
the lack of oily fish has left me a complete scatterbrain
t x
i typed up this post on Tuesday when indeed it was freezing....
woke up this morning to bright sunshine - the need for thermals is not quite so urgent........
don't be fooled my dear that cold wind has a habit of returning without warning as I have learnt to my cost, get them knickers ordered and quick. the weather here is totally all over the place and I am yo yoing from jumpers to t-shirts in the space of hours.
Perhaps I'd better pack my thermals for my october jaunt.
love jules xx
Here's to Winter!!!
Great blog, great dogs, great build!
Do you allow yourself to use silk? If you do, silk thermals are simply the best for keeping warm with out the bulk, and they are really pretty. Even socks. The skiers in my family love them. Even glove liners. Googling them would be the easiest way to find what you need in a hurry.
A lovely post that made me smile. Love all the pics dotted through too, especially 'be kind be gentle' embroidered on the cushion. And here's to finding a healthy supply of pretty thermal vests and knickers to keep you toasty.
How we laughed when we first came to Orkney and saw caravans and trailers tethered to great concrete blocks - as if they were airships or barrage balloons.
And then we experienced an Orkney winter......and all was revealed!
Good luck with your preparations - at least we've had a summer we can look back on fondly in the dark days :-)
Best wishes, W.
I don't know if they do thermal knickers but I do know they do attractive vest tops and cardi's-which frankly to offset the bottoms are a must-
The little dye house
google it and see
have you tried the tchibo catalogue I got some nice ones out of there.
I live just outside Dunoon and I find it cold and at the moment very wet.
I bought my favourite ever thermal vest at good old M&S!
The weather was lovely here today too - I'm still waiting for the Indian Summer I've read all about.
I'm sure I bought a vest from the very same CL Fair stand. It was Gabriella Knight and her stuff is gorgoeus but not exactly cheap.
The wind is getting up a fair bit here too. Eiderdowns and fluffy socks are out. How I love the run downhill to the end of the year. Batten down those hatches!
Oh a real Tracy post and all the lovelier for it. Thermals - will have a think wherte to get pretties (and this is from one who lives in balmy Cornwall!!!) Can't wait to see the creative things especially Christmassy ones as it is all I think about at the mo. Lovely blog Tracy xx
i think it's getting chilly too and please don't laugh but i am already wearing my new bed socks which my mum knitted for me. My feet are now waking up very happy and toasty.
'Little dye house' do pretty colours of camisoles and much more but good old M&S has supplied me with the most trusty thermals in the past. I did a search after reading this post and Damart is worth a look. I will be watching your replies with interest.
much love
ginny x
ps. i love the sentiment on your hand stitched cushion... so true but also one for us to remember to apply to ourselves:)
I am needing thermals today. In fact I am sat in the house, wearing a vest, a shirt, a cape thing and a scarf. I'm cold. But there is no way on Earth the heating is going on, not in September!
I can recommend Rowan's Cocoon yarn for a fabulously soft scarf. It comes in a couple of gorgeous greys. I am currently in the middle of making one in 'Red Wine'. I can't wait to have it snuggled round my neck. The pattern is called Haven, from a Kim Hargreaves book - I'll post about it soon, it's on the list!
or you could make yourself one of these. This is my Autumn project to alleviate all the essay stress
I'm sure you only put that last bit in so that Dee will indeed come up to visit - the first bit about long johns and darning socks might have frightened her off!
I wear old cashmere jumpers as vests in the winter - Scottish charity shops are full of slightly felted ones- but that may well not pass the "pretty" test - though they feel pretty.
Hello Tracy,
It will all cometogether for Christmas I'm sure of it and your all be sitting in front of a toastie wood burner and pretty Christmas tree, eating cake and drinking hot totties.
Oh sound fabulous.
As for the thermal knickers,socks etc... I think it's Little Dye House you're after sweetie, i have a small brochure here and will pop it in the post, it's got their web address and some yummy photos of cute undies.
Hope you find something warm to wear, there is nothing worst than chilly bits lol
Can't wait to see all the Christmas items you've been making. Crazy that it's nearly that time of year again already. Yeay! birthday time for me, Dec baby.
Speak soon honey.
Catherine x
Oh my... it is much too early to commence being that cold! =O Glad to hear the sun made its appearance again! I hope you are able to move into your new wonderful home, soon!
Bella di notte have some... well, not quite sexy thermals, but prettier than plain. I'm not sure you can get thermals with SA, but let us know.
And get them in. The weather has a habit of changing quickly.
Have a good weekend!
I love the hare leaping. We have a house near us with a leaping har weather vane and as I pass I always feel that the way he is pointing is trying to tell me something . Probably just the way the wind is but I feel its more than that!
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