our bean has had her stitches taken out today, and has been given the all clear x
she is once again naked and beautiful
this is the scar that we are left with :(
i am hoping that it will go down a little more with a little help from some magical cream to encourage hair growth and reduce scaring.
this is just the front of her leg - the wound went right round to the back....
as our lovely vet said today - it is not too bad considering she tried to remove her whole leg!
i have to say that we are all looking forward to free running again
the beach, the beach, the beach
of course - we will have Master Ghillie in tow now - although his free running will be very restricted until he is a year old in order to protect his fast growing bones.
a happy start to my happy week
no more wearing of clothes indoors for the bean and the sun has been shining all day x
i wonder what tommorow will bring?
t x
The pic of the beach has me desperate to get down to one of our local beaches. I don't seem to have felt fresh air for an age and enough is enough! Glad the Bean is so much better Tracy xx
Bean is looking beautiful. The weebug hounds are so glad she is better. Thank you so much for all your lovely posts.
Glad to see the Bean recovered so well and so fast. Also I can hardly believe that big boy is a puppy - he's a big boy for sure.
Actually, your vet did some very fine stitch work. Beautiful pics of the beach.
Awww we are all so pleased that Bean is back her old shelf again and will only have to wear clothes if she's cold lol
Give her a big kiss on the nose from us X
Your weather looks gorgeous, we're a little cold here but the sun was shining too yeay!
Catherine x
Lots of good news from you. So glad Bean has made such a good recovery.
Bean looks wonderful x
The beach looks like a lovely spot for walks.
Congratulations Bean on such a fabulous pirate scar! It will drive the boys crazy ;-)
So beautiful (bean)
Glad to see Bean looking better. I just looked longingly at your beach picture for the better part of five minutes. So gorgous! I'm going outside not gaze at... a parking lot. :)
So glad to see bean looking much better after all you TLC and able to play on the beach again!
Hi Tracy,
So good to see the Bean all better... poor love... she is so beautiful. You must have been very worried. Wow that beach looks glorious. Hope your happy week is continuing.
Sooo relived that our little string Bean is on the mend.x
I have only visited you once
but i have a real hankering to stroll lazerly along those loverly beaches!!
Love to you all.
Glad Bean is better, your beach photo looks very inviting even in winter.
So good to know that Bean has recovered! :)
And your little one looks so sweet. I bet he will love the trips to the beach.
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