samantha is looking in to adopting a little jack russell, and whilst i know he will be tiny in comparison to Ghille......
the mess will be the same!!
so - brace yourself samantha....
this is the result of me leaving the monster in order to flip the switch on the kettle - a maximum of 20 footsteps away
yes, yes i know - who was the idiot that left the kitchen roll within his reach?
that idiot would be me
he also chewed a reel of ribbon that i was using to make Easter treat bags
we are just so pleased that when we agreed to rent this newly renovated cottage we made the decision to not allow them to lay any carpets
i can only imagine how much we would owe when we left if they had laid nice new carpets throughout.
this is a sneak preview of my new Easter bag - they will have the option to be left empty or filled with Easter goodies, but more of that another day x
i have also found a little time to make the new house to be a new cushion
i love Vintage caravans - they are called the egg caravans due to their shape
some favourite fabric and three of my most very favourite buttons and a few happy hours of sewing
i could see from Stephens face when he came home yesterday, that this cushion is destined for my studio not the house!!!
i guess he does not share my love of caravans......
and just in case Samantha is at all worried about her lovely home being completely trashed.....
a new puppers brings wonderful moments too x
t x
Ok. First you are taunting me with the cuteness that is Bean. Now you've gone OVER THE TOP with the adorable Ghillie. My goodness that fellow is cuddly !!!
Lol what is it think kitchen rolls? Ronnie the cat used to tear one to pieces every now and then.
Crazy cat!
Ghillie looks like he just ate yours, yuk! as for the ribbon, he has expensive taste. Naughty boy.
But I think he has made up for all that playfulness with big cuddles for his mum. Bless him.
Gorgeous cushion honey. Will look great in your studio.
Thank you for the ribbons they came today. x
Catherine x
Sorry it should of read, what is it with kitchen rolls? i had a blonde moment lol
Catherine x
Oh your boy is gorgeous even with a mouth full of kitchen roll. Our kitty did the andrex puppy thing one time with the loo roll but we keep the bathroom door closed now as he almost fell down the pan over New Year. Keeps us on our toes doesn't it!
Love the little Easter Bags.
Ah yes - kitchen rolls, boxes of tissues - remember it well and our Jasmine is tiny!
We have a bit of a thing about vintage caravans - though in our case it is an Airstream and a St Johns Ambulance converted into a camper that make our house look a bit itinerant. We start the renovations on the Airstream this week . . .
I love the cushion,
Ghillie looks like he is growing daily!
Harry still runs off with the odd piece of kitchen roll and tries to eat it - for a laugh...
Gillie has grown so much, he looks HUGE! how much longer will he be able to sit on your lap?
Please tell me you are marking his height on the kitchen doorframe every week (day!)? I'm laying odds on him having doubled in the last week!
Oh what a loveable little guy he is,I am sure you can forgive him anything.
I am delighted that Bean is healing so well.
Hope it's not too cold for you all up there.
Hugs Kat xxxx
Ghillie is just the sweetest! Naughty by adorably cute. Absolutely love that caravan cushion. It really does look like a fabulous decorated Easter egg!
Glad Bean is well on the road to recovery. Ghillie is adorable - if naughty. But more fool you for leaving a kitchen roll in his reach!!!
I love the cushion!
I'm so happy to hear that Bean is much better! And what a sweet new pup... a little mischievous, but that's to be expected from such a sweet face!!! I think the sweeter, the more inquisitive! She's got a lovely family in you and the rest of the brood!
Bouncer chewed all the dining chair legs when he was a pup! Sophie chewed the kitchen work surface! Wishbone chewed my glasses, not just one pair but also their replacements and a 100 year old jewellery box! Just don't ask how she managed to get to them.
Winnie had a thing for mobile phones and my Hunters! Oh and I've just remembered that Sophie also chewed up my wax jacket and my husbands flat cap. I suggest you don't show this comment to Samantha.
PS The bag is lovely and the cushion, now that is just scrumptious.
Oh have I been there and done that with the toilet paper. We get dogs dumped on us all the time because we live close to the river. Well we got one that is just the cutest little foxy chiuaua looking thing and we had to go some where so we left her in the house. OMG. All of my pillows were ripped open and destuffed, toilet paper everywhere, newspaper shredded, and my favorite pair of UGS destroyed. We still have her and she has never done that again.....She must have been partying cuz she found a new home!
Good Luck
You've changed it again. Lovely tulips but I so enjoyed that gorgeous blue background you had before!!
Funny. Mabel loves plastic sacks from the grocery store, and I'm always terrified she's going to eat little bits of plastic. She's always so satisfied with herself when she's torn something up!
Pups will be pups - so adorable though, how can you not forgive them - eh?
Lucy x
Hi Tracy,
"No" seems to be the word most used at the moment and everything is fair game to be eaten!
I am sharing those puppy moments with you - just on a smaller scale!
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