my lovely mummy is coming to stay with us for the weekend - lots of tea and chatting, a little shopping maybe and hopefully - weather permitting - a trip over to Orkney.
and the delight of witnessing my slightly odd cats.........
we are hoping for sunny weather - but you just never know here in Scotland - so the girls will of course have coats and scarves at the ready.......
we will take in some stunning views of this amazing coastline......
eat well (hoping that stephen will do the cooking - i once gave my mum food poisoning so bad that she has never ever forgotten)
and above all else hug and laugh and no doubt cry when it is time for her to fly home xx
hope you all have something to look forward to this weekend
t x
Ohhhh you lucky lucky girl. You are never to be old to be excited about a visit from your Mother! I count down to mine in sleeps too!
hope the weather holds and you have a wonderful weekend - looking forward to hearing all about it!
Ooh ooh, will you take her shopping for new underwear?? (Sorry, but I'm still tickled by the lingerie shop you have around the corner!)
Hope you have a fab weekend, NOT cooking for your mother!
I hope the sun is shining fro you and your mum. And you get to go to all the places you've said about. It sounds like it will be a lovely time though rain or shine. There is nothing nicer than time with your mum. I miss mine, she lives in Ireland and it's been nearly 2 years now since I've had a mummy hug. Wishing you all the best and love that photo of Archie in the basket thingy. Hugs x
Catherine x
Hope you have a lovely time with your mum!
Have a lovely time with your mum, don't the girls look sweet in their coats!
Hi Tracy
How lovely to have Mum visiting for the weekend! I hope that you have a wonderful time.
I can't believe how many posts I have missed since your move to Scotland. I have added you to my favourites, so that I remember to look at your blog more frequently.
Marie x
It's lovely to spend time with your Mum, I only see mine once or twice a year and really miss'll have the perfect weekend I'm sure, make sure you take lots of photos so we can see more of your beautiful part of the world.
Oh how lovely. You really must be excited. Only one more sleep now since you wrote this yesterday! Hope you have a really lovely time. I'm off to a family Christening in Lincolnshire with my Sis and gorgeous nephew so have a lovely weekend planned too. Enjoy yours very much. x
You have the cutest pets:)
The secret of not letting the weather gettting the better of you is the right outer wear....see the dogs are sorted.
It is exciting counting the days to see family especially Mum's. I hope you have a lovely time together.
Love Ax
My goodness, to live near an ocean view like that! I wish we could send you some of our sun... we've had fourteen days of sun and 100 degree heat! The southern US is a veritable toaster oven. There must be a happy medium somewhere! Have fun with your mom.
Oh, have a lovely time with your mum.
The girls look lovely in their coats, Belle has one that is black with red edging, when she wears it I just want to cuddle her.
Racheal x
Hi Tracy, I love your tabby in the mixing bowls!!
Hope you have a loely time with your mum and that the sun shines!
Best Wishes
Clare x
Enjoy a lovely time with your Mum. She must be as excited as you are to see you & all the sweet pets. The girls look wonderful in their coats :-}
Haven't visited for a while, so glad your move went well (well, as well as could be expected!) Your new home looks amazing, I can only imagine how the new house will look.
Enjoy your mum's visit, there's nothing better than spending time together.
Julia x
I love the photo of the dogs in their coats! Have fun with your mum!
Have a super time with your mummy. It sounds as if you've settled into life in Scotland very quickly. It all sounds idyllic. I'm off to stand at the Giant Flea at Shepton on Sunday, otherwise my weekend is booked for a marathon house-tidy!
I grew up with whippets. we had four. My favorite was Brindle, she slept every night in my bed, probably against her will.
Hope you've had a great time with your mum, I should imagine that she loves where you live. It looks so lovely that I'm seriously considering coming to camp on your doorstep:) Bean and Tallulah obviously think it's fantastic too, it looks like doggy heaven with those wonderful beaches to run on and woodland as well.
the time spent with your mum was wonderful!
Hello tracey - lovely pictures here - do get those clogs, yes they are divine, but I am actually a 'crocs' fan they are sooooo comfortable - still the clogs can always be for 'show' not 'blow!!! - luv happy xx
Enjoy your time with your mum,love the pics of your animals.
Kat x
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