thank you xxxx
the idea is for me to now pass the award on to six other blogs that have in some way touched my heart, made me stop and think and reflect or are just plain old fashioned nice folk x

this wonderful lady fills my heart with joy - the tales and photos of her sweet daughter bella , her handsome husband who knows, understands and likes fabric (i know - how lucky is she???)
and above all else inspired, new and amazing craft work.
and to top off the sheer delight of this blog is the news of a new bambino xx
2. sam over at plump pudding
the generosity of this girl amazes me.
to actually be brave enough to take a stand at the CL fair, make a huge amount of her own amazing stock and then to offer to take fellow bloggers work with her.........
a true good soul.
the amount of wonderful craft work that comes out of this ladies marshmallow studio is wonderful - and she does all this whilst being mum to boys who are so photogenic!
oh...... and she has Liberty of London news......
and in my eyes - she deserves all the good news and recognition that is coming her way x
3. racheal over at miles away in france
this is a wonderful blog that does make me sit and reflect.
i have moved from one end of the u.k to the other, but this family gave up the rat race and moved to france.
the house and grounds look amazing, and the tales of fitting into life in another country keeps me going back to visit this blog as often as i can.
hats off to you girl x
4. the wonderfully outspoken gigibird
this is a blog that i visit every time without fail - partly because of the gorgeous harry x
partly because i love the use of colour in the craft work that is made.....
but mainly because i never know what i will find - interesting discussions, debates, craft and so much more.
this lady tells it as it is - and i like that in a person!
5. lisa over at primrosehill
i admire this girl a lot.
to move to a house that needed a lot of work - turn it in to what looks like a beautiful home full of fun, love and animals
and to run a business selling really nice things.....
you deserve this award for the fact that you make me sit and reflect on all the things that i should be doing but am not!!!
but above all else this blog made me want to move to Scotland with every ounce of my body - and the lovely comments that lisa left truly helped me make the journey here x
oh - and if you want to see beautiful photos of Harris and Lewis you should go over and take a peek x
6. last but not least sweet victoria over at victoria may plum
this blog belongs to a lady who makes me sit back and reflect on how lazy and disorganised i am!!!
the blog is beautiful, her new house is amazingly pretty and all this is managed along with a cute as a button little girl and a fantastic candle business.
i stand and admire you xx
now do not worry if you have not been nominated - there is another award coming your way!!!
please note - if you are the recipient of an award from me and think.....
drat - another award
then do feel free to ignore it completely.......
i will not be offended!
on to other news.....
the house is starting to look a little more lived in
and this is the view i see each morning from our dining room / cardboard nightmare / office / rabbit room.
beautiful cows as far as the eye can see.
and this is a picture of bean skulking by the side of the house
i am yet to find the reason why she was skulking........
also i am finding time to update my website and start getting ready to upload christmas goodies
**have i told you how much i love christmas**
part of the new stock are these elastic bands in the shape of animals
well they made me smile!
t x
Love the rubber bands and it's never too early for drooling over Christmas goodies in my book!
Glad your move is going well. Ihope Bean stops sulking soon.
The view from your new home is amazing. Lovely fields for Bean & Tallula to play in :-}
Hi Tracy, what a wonderful view! Bet you don't miss Hawkhurst one little bit with all the lorry noise on the A21!! We have decided to take a weeks break in Scotland in October, can't wait! Will be checking in on the website for all your Christmas goodies!
Hi Tracy,
thanks for the award. I am touched.
What a wonderful view. And what was that Bean up to?
The view from your new house is so nice! :)
Congrats on the award Tracy it's well deserved! Those rubber bands are lovely. Did you find out what Bean was up to?
Kim x
Hi Tracy.
Thank you so much for the award and congratulations to you on receiving it, you deserve it.
I have emailed you.
Racheal x
How gorgeous is your view,so nice to read that you are settling in.The landscape around you looks fabulous,Archie looks very happy,it's always a worry moving with cats as they are so independant,but he looks right at home and is very handsome.I adore tabbys.
Hope all continues well for you,come visit my blog sometime,
Best Wishes Kat x
Thank you so much Tracy!! I am incredibly touched by your lovely words and have taken so much comfort in your friendship over the last year that I should be giving you an award!
Great rubber bands! Good to see you are settling in well, am very jealous of your view, hope it makes up for leaving Kent, I seem to have a rubber band that keeps dragging me back to Maidstone but I'm hoping to break free soon!
found you whilst reading milesawayinfrance, we too have made the move from bustling kent to france, we thought about scotland but as we already had a holiday home here we took the plunge. your surroundings look wonderful. I am also running a monthly diary of our ups and downs whilst renovating am old french barn. look forwarding to reading more of your tales and looking at the christmas goodies you have mentioned.
Congratulations on your award Tracy, and thankyou so much for my award! I am so pleased to have received it from you, and I shall certainly not ignore it, I shall tell everybody, don't you worry about that!
I love Christmas too, it is only 120 something days away!! You sound very organised to me, I can't wait to see all those Christmas goodies...
Thanks again
Speak to you soon
Victoria x
Congratualions on your award.
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