the start of a brand new year and a brand new decade
we ended last year with the most spectacular moon, and started this year with an amazing early morning thunder and lightening display!
the thunder actually shook this wooden house of ours - yikes!
by the time we crawled out of bed the day looked like this...

beautiful blue sky and fluffy white clouds - if is was not for the bitterly cold wind it would have been a perfect day..
we have spent this very first day being entertained by our chaps...
just look at the loopy boys....
paddock full of hard snow and they still run around like mad things :)

if you enlarge the second picture you will see Woody kicking Dillon in the head... he actually has only one foot on the ground which for a very fat pony is quite something!
the hounds are so unhappy about the snow... when it was soft and fluffy they loved it but now it takes quite some persuading to get them out and about...
miss mabel moo ventured out today as there was talk of overnight rabbit activity....

she searched high and low but found nothing but rabbit poo .......

.... which she ate with much gusto.... *nice*
she also found time to check on the sheep.....

and even give one of the lambs - my best boy - big red , a quick kiss
(yes - with rabbit poo breath)

and that was pretty much our first day
all good apart from the tiny hiccup of cricket getting tangled up in the lights from the tree and managing to drag it across the floor with me hanging on the other end......
here is a large *smile* from me hoping that your first day was as lovely as ours...
and *fingers crossed* that i can keep my post a day for the month of January going!
see you tomorrow
t x
here is a large *smile* from me hoping that your first day was as lovely as ours...
and *fingers crossed* that i can keep my post a day for the month of January going!
see you tomorrow
t x
Lovely photos! I hope the rest of your year is as good as the first day, mine was full of plaster dust so i'm hoping for some improvement!
I forgot to say, please do not worry about rushing with squirrels funnily enough our tiny cottage is groaning under the strain of Christmas and the landy is full of treats to take to the charity shops!!! You don't need extra pressure. hugs Debs xx
Happy New Year! Poor Cricket! No incidents with our tree this year and it's a first! What is it with the poor? My Cairns like to eat deer poo! Yuck!
Happy New Year Tracy! And Stephen and the animals....wishing you peace, joy and happiness and a sprinkling of magic for all that's to come.
Diana x
i took some pics of the moon last night not realising until today that it was in fact a blue moon and the next one is not until 2028, oh and I'm joining in with the month of blogging too - see you tomorrow :-)
Happy New Year, your day sounds lovely. I hope 2010 brings you everything you wish for.
Luv Sophie xxx
well tracy as the old saying goes..what doesn't kill you makes you stronger..hmm still not convinced..we too had a crappy year but have emerged with new plans and new gusto ..let us all hope the universe is smiling on us and hugs to all your family ...lynnie
A Very Happy New Year to you all. This year is going to be a good one I just know it.
Bertie x
Happy New Year to you Tracy Cupcakes! *SO* glad you found me, but I was always going to make you lots of comments to find me, of course. Christmas has been busy, busy, busy. I like the idea of blogging every day, maybe I will try to join you. Love and New Year hugs to you and to all the lovely animals xxx
Happy New Year Tracy and I hope you can keep posting too xx
...and a Happy New Year to you too.
Spectacular snowy pictures and such amazing skies.
Here's to 2010,
Nina xxxx
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