..... please.......
grow long, lovely and pretty fleece this year.....
.... and please make catching you for shearing a little easier than the marathon run and rugby tackles of last year.......
grow long, lovely and pretty fleece this year.....
.... and please make catching you for shearing a little easier than the marathon run and rugby tackles of last year.......

oh yeah :)
t x
t x
Oooooh ... can't wait to see this assembled - and in use! I wouldn't know where to start!
Willow x
Wow Tracy,
That looks amazing, I can't wait to see what lovely woolie things you make.
That is if the sheep let you catch and clip them lol
Your last post was beautiful and i laughed out loud when i read about Cricket running around with twinkle lights all over him lol
It's sounds like the time my cat Reggie got stuck in the handle of a carrier bag (sounds worse than it was) but he ran in the garden and did a wall of death around the fence LOL one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And the look of god i hope no one saw me do that on his face was a picture too hehe!
Many many hugs lovely lady.
Catherine x
you will be a natural...think of all that beautiful raw material that you are going to play with...
hooray, hooray! PS just heard story about woman who went from up your way to Inverness to buy a turkey on Christmas Eve and has not got home yet owing to the snow xx Do stay in xx
and spin!
Wow! How wonderful!
Rachel x
Happy new year to you all.
We need anouther Whippet-the time has come !!
This is interesting, just the assembly of the spinning wheel is arresting, let alone the whole process of getting the wool, I am so impressed.
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