no real post today as we now have two sick lambs :(
first lamb rallied for a few days and seemed to be on the mend but today collapsed and has been back to the vets...
whilst this was happening a second lamb started to show the same early signs...
in one way the second lamb becoming sick is a positive as it now proves that the first lamb does not have internal injuries etc... but on the down side it is another poorly lamb ..
vet is now treating for just about everything as she has no ides what the real problem is...
we are in touch with our most dearest friend and trusted Homeopathic vet who is guiding me with my remedy administration - i am at the point where conventional medicine is not doing anything so other options are playing there part - it will be interesting to see the outcome...
(nux vom every 5 mins for 1 hour)
no real post today as we now have two sick lambs :(
first lamb rallied for a few days and seemed to be on the mend but today collapsed and has been back to the vets...
whilst this was happening a second lamb started to show the same early signs...
in one way the second lamb becoming sick is a positive as it now proves that the first lamb does not have internal injuries etc... but on the down side it is another poorly lamb ..
vet is now treating for just about everything as she has no ides what the real problem is...
we are in touch with our most dearest friend and trusted Homeopathic vet who is guiding me with my remedy administration - i am at the point where conventional medicine is not doing anything so other options are playing there part - it will be interesting to see the outcome...
(nux vom every 5 mins for 1 hour)
i am asking for yet more healing thoughts tonight for our two little guys...
it never rains but it pours
2010 is proving to be a real stinker so far...
t x
it never rains but it pours
2010 is proving to be a real stinker so far...
t x
oh poor little lambs..fingers crossed they'll pull through and be ok..big hugs to you too xxx
Oh no 2 sick lambs you are having a bad time. My heart goes out to you, we are also having a bad start to 2010 a very sick dog thankfully now recovered, someone hit my parked car and did not stop and today just to top it off we have had a chimney fire. Just keep on keeping on luv Janxxx
Oh no I hope they feel better soon. :(
oh Tracey poor little sheep big hugs & healing thoughts from us, hope its not catching rxxx
Sending warm wishes and hugs from Buckinghamshire xx
Oh No, I am so sorry to hear this. It was bad enough with one being ill but two is terrible. I so hope everything is okay with them. Don't they know when they have it good :o) Fingers crossed for you (and them) xx
Hope your little lambs are ok xxx
Oh no, poor little lambs! Sending even more love and get well hugs from across the Atlantic....
Hang in there sweet woolly ones... xxx
Poor little lambs, I hope they rally soon.xx
So sorry... could they have eaten a plant poisonous to sheep?
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