i have honestly done nothing today that is worthy of a blog post...
wake up. feed and water sheep, ponies and ducks, eat tiffin for breakfast.. oh and lunch :)...
pack orders, choose new stock, take pictures for new website, walk hounds, worry about Archie cats sore eye, make yet more tiffin....
put sheep, ducks and ponies to bed, feed all animals indoors, play mad sausage chasing game with Cricket, wash up...
pack orders, choose new stock, take pictures for new website, walk hounds, worry about Archie cats sore eye, make yet more tiffin....
put sheep, ducks and ponies to bed, feed all animals indoors, play mad sausage chasing game with Cricket, wash up...
blah, blah, blah
i am starting to wonder what on earth i am going to talk about each.and.every.day.for.a.whole.month...?
and what if i decide to write each day through February?
ack - i even lost a follower today... bored them rigid with my mindless ramblings no doubt!
fear not though i shall return tomorrow with another captivating post for which i promise i will take some slightly more interesting pictures...
t x
Don't worry about your follower, they pop off and sometimes come back, sometimes it's a mistake.
Anyway I like your post today, it's about real life. Don't worry, I will be back to read your blog when ever you post!
Well I'm still enjoying it, even if you are a bit fed up.
Sue xx
Erm...whats the mad sausage chasing game?
Just wonderin...
I'm still here, and I will be back tomorrow, I promise! The tiffin sounds nice - you could show us a picture of that, or have you eaten it all?!
Pomona x
Your not boring, I think were all feeling the same at the moment.
January is a funny time, we all need something to look forward to me thinks! Hope cat's eye gets better soon.
Take care, will be looking for tomorrows post.
Luv Sophie xxx
I don't know if the follower thing was there for comic value but it made me laugh!
Do a post on your tiffin!
Vanessa x
you might have lost 1 follower but you have found 1 too :-).... do my tag , that's a post lol.... oh and a tiffin recipe if you haven't done that already mmmmm
I agree, the tiffin recipe would be good, it must be something if you are eating it at every meal.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog each night, hope your cats ok. I was wondering too about the mad sausage chasing game :) xxx
Lose one follower and then gain two is the way it usually seems to work!
Never boring! There's invariably something in your posts to make me smile.
Sue x
I'm fascinated! What is tiffin? (Yes, I'm probably ignorant, but I live in Idaho so that seems a worthy excuse, doesn't it?)
I don't even know what tiffin is. So a post about that would be most welcome. As would pictures of Miss Mabel Moo. And my personal fave, the Gilly dog.
i love your daily posts, makes me realise how little I have to write about, as for the follower their loss keep it up my friend.
jules xx
still building in snowy france
I love that you're just talking about the everyday stuff to, it's like we're next door. The only sad thing for me is that we;re not and I can't pop round for coffee, tiffin, crafting, whippet walking or chats by the log burner :(
But reading everyday mkaes you feel just that little bit closer lovely lady. Please don't stop.
I hope Archie's eye get better x
With love,
Catherine x
Your far from boring.
lynn :)
Now I love your picture today - those gorgeous colours and design on the tray are just what I need. And I can't wait to see the new websites - very exciting!
Enjoy the tiffin. For breakfast indeed! (Says she who has had a piece of apricot tart for dinner tonight. Not desert - actual main course.) It's that time of year. Could be rice pud tomorrow.
P xx
Worry not Tracy, we'll all be back and I expect your foloower pressed teh wrong button or something. It is an odd time this isn't it? xx
Is a tiffin a kinda of cake??? It made me very curious! ;)
I was going to offer the idea of posting about your Tiffin!! (how unoriginal am I!!!)
I did a post a day last September..or one before..it is very hard work.
Sorry to hear about your follower - their loss!!!
What is real life except boring sometimes? And isn't it better to have boredom than too much excitement of the wrong kind?
What about posting the tiffin recipe. It sounds yummy.
And I read you regularly but am not a follower so don't worry.
A picture of your whippets is more than enough, makes my day every time.
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