time has flown by this week, partly due to no bloody joiner again which means i have been builders mate - exhausting...

working outside all day and sewing and packing orders in the evenings, all sounds lovely but i am so worried about my lack of Christmas preparation...

i keep seeing posts from folk that are putting up trees and decorations whilst i am packing away the items on my dresser and bookshelves as the builders arrive net week...
here at Sea House?
yes dear readers we hope to be the proud owners of not one, but two strapping young men for the whole of next week..... i am squeaking with excitement - just imagine if this time next week i can show you actual progress... eeekkk :)
it will be a week where i can take a back seat on the house build and catch up with orders, so anyone waiting for handmade goodness it will be with you very soon x
i also plan on spending time with my hounds - they have been looking all dejected this week, staring at us from the window willing us inside with their sweet whippity eyes :(

yes a week of sewing and whippet cuddles ahead
t x
t x
I do hope all go's to plan, you need some real you time!
I havent got my decorations up, it's a bit early for me yet! I have been thinking of you this week, up on that roof in the cold, it made me shiver just thinking about it!
I do hope you have better luck with the builders than the joiners!
Enjoy your whippety cuddles!
Rachel x
Whilst not Whippety I know all about the soulful power in the eyes of a hound.
Its so annoying when tradesman don't turn up, just like you I end up helping all I can. Can't wait to see all your new pics of the house(fingers crossed) As for christmas stop worrying you will get all stressed and achieve diddly squat, talking as the biggest stressy bessy there is. Hope all is well with you both, apart from builders of course
love jules x
Hope the builders turn up for you, and you manage to catch up with yourself!
Pomona x
Well done you!
Calm, calm Tracy. it will all come together because it always does somehow. Hurrah for the builders arriving and for you to have a chance to do some crafting xx
I used to follow your Sea House blog until it became invited members only and I had no clue how to go about contacting you to ask to be included. By some small miracle I found this blog, I used to enjoy reading about your progress and hard work on the house, and would love to see how you are getting on. Would you consider letting me join your list?
Best wishes
sounds like you've got the perfect week in store - hope you enjoy your sewing and some fun canine capers x
Hi Tracy
Don't worry about not being geared up for Christmas. I still haven't written LAST year's Christmas cards and can't see a slot where I'll manage this year's either, which is an awful admission!
Do hope your 2 strapping lads turn up next week as the plans you have for your own time sound perfect.
Sue x
Ijust know the house will be full of Christmas,all the loverly smells and excited noises,and there will be lots of squeaking and cuddles,and thats just you and me!! We cant wait to see you all.
love you loads.Mummyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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