i honestly do not know what to think anymore - this chap sounded lovely on the phone, was highly recommended by our local building supply shop, and seemed very keen....
he could not drive so Stephen went to collect him, he looked around, made all the right comments and sounded very positive...
a price was agreed and Stephen drove him all the way home having arranged to collect him the following morning at 9.30am....
the following morning found Stephen at his door waiting for one hour, phoning, leaving messages...
no sign
when Stephen arrived home alone i was cleaning out the ducks and actually laughed like a complete mad woman at the empty passenger seat - i truly think Mr Hysteria had come to pay me a visit...
after a good cup of tea i concluded that perhaps a tragedy had befallen upon our joiner and we should not judge....
this was Saturday morning - it is now Sunday night and no word from him...
i am starting to wonder how so many folk up here can moan about the lack of work when it is clear that so many of them would not know an honest days work if it smacked them in the face - i am starting to wonder if it is easier for them to claim benefits and sit back on their fat lazy backsides.....
the joiner before this disastrous one announced he could not arrive the first planned day as he was signing on.... enough said, the second day was too windy and the third no excuse as he said nowt just did not show!
we now have another chap arranged for tue, wed, thurs... i am ever so hopeful as he has worked here before and is super lovely, clean, well spoken and has a cracking sense of humor - and he loves dogs - bonus :)
we have questioned if it is us ..
are we scary?
is it because we are English?
do we look mad and deranged?
or are they worried about working on a different house - after all most houses up here are just different size boxes.....
whatever it is we are now at our wits end but trying desperately to smile through it!
today we awoke to snow which was a wonderful sight until i realised that we would be roofing in it - a snow blizzard when you are perched up high on a ladder clinging to the edge of a roof was quite an experience :)
at points in the day we both felt like giving up and heading indoors but kept plodding on as Christmas is looming - and then an event happened that made us both realise how very, very unimportant this house is.....
this chap....

and this chap......

had an enormous fight which resulted in poor old rodders being knocked senseless with a huge cracked horn which bled quite a bit :(
boris walked away with not a mark on him..
needless to say we had to drop tools and sort out the argument - they are already in separate fields but adjoining which for months has been great - good company for each other...
sadly now the girls are a-calling the boys are fighting for top ram status :(
it took a great deal of time and strength to walk boris way across the field to the veggie plot where he will reside until he goes in with his harem of women.
animals first
house second
and that is how it will always be....
a moment in the day to take stock and note what is important to us
t x
t x
Oh no poor Rodders, hope he's recovering well! That's unbelievable about the joiner, what a waste of your time! My friend is having the same trouble trying to get an electrcian,they always say they'll turn up and don't! With so many people losing jobs you'ld think there would be plenty of people looking for work!
Hope next week is better for you!
Rachel x
awww, poor rodders! i'm sorry you're having so many issues with the house... I feel that way about a lot of the folks who live around me here in edinburgh.. collecting their benefits and being louts. i swear i've heard our neighbour kick his dogs. don't think the man has ever done a day of work in his life.
Oh poor rodders! hope everything calms down. The joiner, well I have no words of comfort for you there, keep smiling....
Oh Tracy, I'm so sorry to hear about your crappy joiner. I think you've got it right with the just to flaming fat and lazy arse theory.
Fingers, toes and eyes crossed that the nicer one turns up sometime this week.
How wonderful to wake up to snow. I bet you felt all Christmasy, until you had to work out in it.
And what are those rams up to, Auntie Cupcake says "stop messing around" you naughty boys. Mummy and Daddy Seahouse have enough to do without you two playing silly buggers and showing off to the ladies LOL
Right that's told them hehe!
Best of luck lovely lady with the week ahead. I'll be popping in to find out how things get on.
Lots of love,
Catherine x
Its hard to imagine how those sweet little faces could cause so much trouble!! Good luck getting some reliable help!
I really liked your decorations on your previous post.
Tracy, what a heartfelt post. I truly hope your joiner turns up as it sounds bizarre to think it goes on like this doesn't it? Hope the rams sort out the 'pecking' order and get on with things too! x
I do hope things get better for you soon. Jane x
What is it about joiners, plumbers and electricians that they say all the right things, promise you the world (or at least woodwork, piping and power) and then vanish in a puff of smoke never to be seen again!! It must be a part of their training.
Hope everything works out for you. I must say I applaud your priorites re the house and the animals!!
Sue xx
Oh it's not you and it's not just in Scotland we have the same problems here in the Fens. Over the years we've experienced similar with builders, plasterers, plumbers, joiners, electricians and central heating fitters. Most of whom can be found in the pub from lunchtime onwards!
We've foud the best way, and even that isn't infallable is to go through a company who employ people rather than use the self employed... sad isn't it?
Oh heck, hope you get it sorted, thinking of you. Glad you got cheque ok, selling well ,got a few left. Selling decorations like mad but not so much prezzies-time yet.
Lots of love Txx
Oh the joys of 'I'll be there at....' We had a brickie (my dad knew him, cash in hand type of bloke) who did turn up but was extra early, so he could be finished early, then go the pub each day. He did'nt even stop for lunch and even managed to lay bricks and have his cup of tea at the same time. I do hope you go on OK, nothing personnel most of the trades are like that.
I think some workmen are just crap where ever you live, but such a pain when you want to get things done.
Hope the boys settle down now, what a horrid shock it must have been for you.x
I was just thinking it might be easier if one of you learns carpentry!
Getting someone good is a universal problem….perhaps because where you are it may be slightly more difficult but to say yes then not show is very poor.
Sorry your rams are being – rams…..
Wow, what a story! Getting people to do work is difficult, good work that is. It was absurd when we needed some minor brick work done, so i can relate. I hope you do get someone finally. Al the best.
I'll come n joinya :-))(I finish my placement friday) :-))))))))))
I remember roofing in snow, sleet and ice like it was yesterday not 8 year ago and 6 months pregnant to boot. My top tip? Go and buy some wet suit glove, they are invaluable if your are slating or roofing your hands get toasty warm and they help you grip well to because of the neoprene. I think I got through about 4 pairs by the time we'd done all 3 roof lines.
If my hubby wasn't teaching he'd be up there in a jiffy for you if it's made of wood he can build it we have a beautiful ash staircase he made here you name it he can make it in wood there again if it has an engine he would run the other way!
Our bug bear was always the plumber never turning up. today's the day to pop up the crimbo decorations, my 2 lovelies like to come home from school and see it all decked out so best get busy..keep your fingers crossed 8 month old Olly the farty spaniel here doesn't eat the treexxx kisses from wales
It really is true that it's hard to find good help. I hope you get someone soon since the weather is turning. I can't understand how we can have high unemployment and hire people. As of today, my office has no secretary. None. They've been trying to find one for a month.
I got my squirrel on Saturday and he is precious. Hannah's kitten attacked it an hour later and I had to go looking for my acorn after she came running thru the house with the poor animal. He's up and away from Lucy now. Thanks!
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