when it first became apparent that we could no longer depend on the kindness of others i went to pieces - how on earth could we arrange a water supply on a Friday evening?
well - apparently you cannot....
after i had gathered myself together by giving myself a jolly good talking to it all became so clear...
we would cope, we would find another option, we would smile through it...
and the reason i knew this to be so is for the fact that we have already been through so much over this last year...
the main low point, and without doubt the lowest most terrifying event in my life happened only a month or so ago... being faced with the fear that your one true love could have Cancer is really as bad as it can get.. the agony of extensive and exhausting tests and the grueling wait for results is something i hope never to have to go through again... thankfully all is good but the black cloud engulfed us for a long time and of course will take a good while to lift even though ultimately the news was good...
and it is for this reason that when yet another hurdle needed to be faced, sorted and cleared i kinda knew deep down that all would be well, and until then we are blessed with the kindness of friends who are more than happy to fill our large containers with water!
through the water saga we cheered ourselves up hugely by purchasing two trees and here they are....
firstly the huge beast that will be festooned with decorations in the main living space....

and a smaller, cuter version for the kitchen - lights in place just need to dress with delights x

i will of course post pictures as soon as this is done
Christmas (and water!) will soon be arriving at Sea House and we cannot wait!
and to top off the excitement my parents and sweet brother will soon be here - i positively feel giddy when i think about it and very often have a good cry.. i miss my mama so very, very much...
not long now and she will be here.... and word is that we may have snow for Christmas... now that would be wonderful - perhaps it will be deep enough for them to close the snow gates and i will get to keep my family close for that little bit longer... fingers crossed ;)
t x
The trees are just beautiful, and the first picture is so cute!
Hope you sort your water, and have a good Christmas, too.
Pomona x
What beautiful trees. I Hope you have a fantastic time with your family! xx
My heart skipped a beat in this post. This Christmas will be so special, mains water or not. What a lovely attitude to life.
P xx
OMG Tracy,
I held my breath when reading about the cancer scare. I'm so happy the news came back clear. I'd of been on the first train, plane or coach to help you my sweet friend. I can't bear to think of how worried you must of been.
If you need anything, just call or drop me a line. I may be miles away but I'm always here for you.
Now on to those trees, they are beautiful, ours is nearly as big as that in the diningroom lol Ben went out foraging and came back with a forest hehe!
The cupakes and i have decorated it tonight.
There will be a little something flying it's way to you for the tree, you and the doggies.
Thinking of you lots.
Warm Christmas wishes, Santas checked his list and fresh waters at the top with a big tick next to it.
With love,
Catherine x
Tracy, what a challenging time you've been having. Glad all is well with Stephen. Here's to a happy christmas - with a plentiful water supply and your nearest and dearest gathered round.
Diana x
Ps Pls can you email me a new invite to Sea House....I let mine expire (oops) by mistake.
Hey, just catching up with your blog - what a time you have had. I hope all is well now. Your tree looks beautiful.
helloooo x
Oh Tracy, you really are having a horrid time at the moment! A health scare is a horrible thing, it happened to us this time last year.It was my husband,he's a fit healthy man and he lost a small section of eyesight in his eye overnight! He had loads of tests as they thoght he might be about to have a brain haemorrage or a stroke. Fortunately,it was neither of these but we had a terrifying few months waiting to hear! He did find out he had the start of Glaucoma, he's very young to have that too! It really made us both not take our health for granted!I never blogged about it, I thought if I don't talk about it ,it can't be happening!
So pleased that Stephen's tests were clear and I hope you both have a Happy and Healthy 2010, you deserve it!
Have a wonderful Christmas time with your family,have lots of hugs with your mum, the trees look amazing!
Love Rachel x
Your trees are gorgeous, So sorry to hear of your cancer scare, but so relieved that the news is good. I know only too well the deepest depths of despair you can reach whilst awaiting news.
Have a lovely Christmas.
Sue xx
If I could send you a a babbling flow of water I would, you sound so strong you will be fine I am sure, with so many doggy hugs to cheer your soul how could things be bad.
The trees are beautiful! I had decided to have two trees this year too as all the best Christmases in my life have been when there have been two trees in the house. I hope you get your water problems resolved soon, in the meantime think of it as being like camping or caravaning, a far more jolly way to be short of water! Catherine x
I hope you have a wonderfuly Christmas and stress- free New year!
Lots of love Tracey xxxxx
I have just got home from kissing my Mum goodbye, your post brought tears to my eyes. There are sooo many hurdles, so many challenges, watching my mum try to make the gravy on a baby belling last night and exploding my pan is one of the more amusing, not much runs smoothly, I really feel for you - but health is not something that can be brought so I am so pleased all is well and I hope the dark clouds are replaced with fluffy ones full of snow so you can keep hold of your mumma for a long time!
The trees bring much magic to your lovely home, take care hugs Debs xx
I love your trees! We all suffer through trials and weather them and grow. I would love it if the growing could be physical so my height and weight could even out!lol
Oh poor T how very scary for you both..glad it was ok though, I know it must have bought back other sad memories too and that's doubly horrid.xx
hope the water gets sorted, bit of a bummer that! Fab treeeeees! xx
Glad the news was good, waiting for results is awful, imagining the 'what ifs'.
Hugh FW must be reading your blog as he had his tree in a crate too on tv!!xx
hope everything gets sorted real soon, snow for Christmas would be lovely , as are those trees of yours - hugs
sweetie, i am so glad that the news is good, and am sending happy, wonderful wishes to all of you at the sea house that the black cloud will fade away, leaving you with the wonder of all that is good to be treasured.
just found your amazing blog.
I hope you get water soon and can put the shock of ill health behind you & enjoy Christmas.
Nothing like beautiful trees to brighten up the house. What challenging times you have had. I admire your attitude. Have a Merry Christmas and may the New Year be less eventful.
Glad all tuned out well with the health scare. Hope you've got water again.
Your tree is going to be beautiful and you have the perfect place to put it. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with your family.
Oh Tracy
You have had a tough time, having been through a C scare myself just before a christmas I know how much a worry it must have been, especially for the partner. Let the snow fall (it is already here) and keep that family close to you.
Hope everything is better now. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Hi, I hope your water problem gets sorted soon.
I am back by the way x
So glad that the health scare is resolved, that must have been a terrifying time. Keeping my fingers crossed for both water and snow coming your way.
I was really sorry to hear of your recent worries and heartache T.. I know only too well what if feels like to lose loved ones and there is nothing more sobering or that focuses the mind on all that is truly important than the fear of this happening again..
I am so pleased you can enjoy your Christmas with some peace in your hearts and two trees in the house!
Hopefully the water supply has been restored.. and all is well.
Love to you and your family.. man, cats .. hounds and all.
Michele xxx
Hope all is OK with you and yours - have a very happy Christmas!
Pomona x
i am very sorry you and your love had to go trough this very exhausting and worrying experience. and i am very glad it all turned out good, hopefully the water issue is also worked out too.
i think you have a wonderful way of thinking, it takes a lot of strength to be positiv when nothing seems to work proper.
both your trees are beautiful, i always loved big trees !
i wish you a very happy holiday season !
Warm Christmas Wishes to you Tracy & A Very Happy New Year ♥
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