
this year the build up to Christmas was a mix of good and bad.... all the tales of woe that i have already bored you with, sprinkled with a touch of excitement....


suddenly the last valuable days of posting out orders was simply out of the question - the driveway was lethal and the lane was not a whole lot better...
top that with the loss of Broadband connection which BT blamed on Virgin and Virgin blamed on BT......
stress levels were at an all time peak
a very big and ugly peak....
the saving grace for me was the imminent arrival of my mama - the one person who has the ability to hold me close and make me feel safe, calm, loved, and confident that i can carry on....


no flights leaving the South or landing in the North...

it took the wind out of my sails and made me wish that Christmas could just pass by unnoticed - however my ever cheerful other half picked my bah humbug Christmas spirits off the floor and made it all turn in to a rather lovely few days.... lots of food and drink, snoozing in the armchair and over excited dogs unwrapping gifts x

the chance to have my parents here has now passed as they have to carry on with their busy lives, but hopefully they will visit soon.... hint hint :)
as for the here and now?
we have managed to keep all outside animals alive through this patch of weather which for me is a great cause for a celebration!
we are not thinking of anything to do with house building and are instead relaxing and actually spending quality time together
we are looking forward to this year being over and are looking forward to next year which could be a very interesting one :)
we are hoping that the snow due to hit us on New Years Eve will take a swift detour....
hope you are enjoying your Festive time and for anyone who ordered from me and did not receive their goodies - i am truly sorry ...
t x
Oh Tracy, I did think of you when we had all that snow and hoped your family would make it through! so sorry that they didn't make it for Christmas, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time when you do get together!
How lovely to have quality time with Hubby though!
Wishing you a Happy 2010!
Rachel x
Lovely photos :) i love Crickets red coat, Fee has a blue one I couldn't get red and Russ said no to the pink one with flowers :( I hope you all have a wonderful new year! xxx
Your tree is so beautifully decorated! I love all the red and white. And you really did get lots of snow. You must be way way up north. Yes, Mommy's can make everything seem better.
Hi Tracy, so sorry your family couldn't get up to see you but glad to see that you had a nice time anyway with just the two of you. I know you said you would send me an invite to visit seahouse ( the blog, not the real thing, although I'd love to visit all the way from Canada!!!) but I think things got messed up again. My email is caston2(at)shaw(dot)com
Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Gorgeous photos.
Sue xx
Wishing you a happy new year!
Very best wishes for the New Year from a snowy South (well, south of you!).
Lots of love and hugs winging their way to you all. Along with lots of hope for a less stressful 2010, just a year full of good things and happy times. Hugs Debs xx
When the snow hit here i had everything crossed that you're lovely family would make it up to you in time. I'm so sorry to hear that stopped them. I know how important a huge cuddle from your mama was to you. It is fabulous of Stephen to make it all so speical for you both, he is truly a wonderful man.
I'm sure people with orders will understand that nature just took over and coursed lots of problems everywhere. And it will be a lovely new years treat, Jan is always a dull month and your gifts will bring them some sunshine honey.
I'll be popping a parcel off to you at the begining of Jan. something for all of you.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon my lovely friend. Thinking of you all.
Keep warm. Lots of love,
Catherine, Ben and the cupcakes xxx
Sorry to hear your family could not visit and it seems you have had so much to deal with in 2009. Well I believe that amazingly difficult and stressful things only happen to those who have the heart, strength and spirit to deal with them - so I think you must be one of those people.
What a shame, but at least everyone was safe and well. Your tree looks wonderful. Enjoy the last few days of 2009, I'll look forward to reading your house adventures next year.
so glad you are back on your blogg,it made me sad cause i couldnt be with you my Beautiful Girl,i feel we have been robbed of our precious time together. Hopefully we can sort something out quite soon,i need to hug you very tightly!!!
using my own lap top to send you this,im so proud of myself!!
Love to you&Stephen&all the animals.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi tracy,
I am so sorry to hear that, you were so excited about your parents arriving. Having made the journey up there myself I know how truly exciting it was getting there and how excited you were to have a visitor. I did think about the old snow gates but I truly still believed in supernatural powers. You have seemed to take it so well. I know how gutted I would be as I am travelling to freezing cold midi pyrenees to see 'Papa' on Monday; God, fairies, Angels willing, and, since he drove five and a half hours to prepare the house for my arrival yesterday I am DESPERATE to get there.
Well done for snuggling up for Christmas xx I will see you soon. 9 I will have to email you the whole-story of my festive obstacles-it's not for here!)
im so sorry your christmas plans with your family got ruined. how that must have made you sad.
sometimes, aren't you glad to have someone who loves you enough to cheer you up even when you WANT to be gloomy and sad ?
i wish you a wonderful new year, full of time to craft, people helping you with your home, puppies, kitties, petsies to love...
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