Tuesday, 2 June 2009

lovely, lovely, lovely!

a long time ago when i was but a humble shopkeeper a customer arrived regularly that always, always lifted my spirits....
i knew instantly that her soul was true and good...
i knew that i liked her a lot....
i knew that we had an awful lot in common....
i knew that i wanted to keep in touch with her when we moved.....

whatever time of day she arrived we would happily chat whilst she shopped, always with ease and always with laughter...
often she would arrive after closing and i would stay open just for her - this was never a chore even after a long day....
i was not known to offer this service to many :)

this girl with her kind heart has visited us here at Sea House and we are so glad x
we had a week of eating, chatting, laughing, thrifting, eating some more and just relaxing...
we watched as our visitor adjusted to the climate, the vast skies, the huge sea view, the hounds and my rather speedy driving (although i had slowed down considerably!)
our hearts gladdened as we could see this extremely hard working soul unwind, as the slow relaxed pace of life at Sea House seeped in to her.... she was very soon in step with us x

now she has gone the house is once again quiet - Stephen has noted the lack of happy chatter around the kitchen table as he works....
i have noticed the lack of girlie friendship :(

but i will not feel gloomy
oh no
instead i will rejoice in the fact that the girl who breezed through Cupcake's shop door one sunny day is now a very special friend...
a very special friend indeed x

back soon with news of Cricket - he has been very busy growing and growing and growing!

t x


April said...

what a lovely post! Girlfriends are so special

April xx

...Nina Nixon... said...

Destiny is a funny old thing - some things and 'friends' are just meant to be!

Have a lovely week,

Nina x

Sandy Shirley said...

I love your life and the way you describe it! Thank you for sharing with us!

acrossthepond said...

Could this be Miss Twinkles??

Rubyred said...

Frienship is a beautiful thing.Sounds like you had a lovely time!.Can't wait to see the pictures of Cricket!
Rachel x

teacakebiscuit said...

I think I know who that was as I read her blog :)

P.K said...

lovely story indeed. breathtaking photos.

Unknown said...

How lovely to make a friend that way.

Pat said...

Friendship happens where ever and when ever. I have a very dear friend, only she was the shopkeeper. Lucky me and I hope lucky her. And Lucky you guys!!!

julie said...

how great to meet somone like that and be able to remain friends. hope you had the best time
love jules xx

Katie twinkles said...

Gosh! How lovely to be described in this way. I had the most fabulous break-I love, love, loved the scenery and so glad I took the advice to do the 109 mile bus ride on the last leg of a very long trip as advised by Tracy.
All this and to have such a warm welcome and such lovely chats.
I am so glad I made this trip and found the Cupcakes at home!
Friendships are so very precious x :-)) x :-))

FuturePrimitive Soap Co. said...

that gave me goose bumps! how extrememly lovely friendship is...the most important thing in life I think x

mollycupcakes said...

Many people walk in and out of our lifes but true friends leave footprints on our hearts.
It sounds like you've found a true friend in her. I'm sure she misses you to honey.
Bet it won't be long before she's back for another visit at Sea house.
I know I'd have to make my booking before I'd even left lol
Catherine x