Thursday, 21 May 2009

wash day......

we have had glorious weather here for the last few days... sunshine, huge blue skies, wispy white clouds, twinkling calm sea.......
so i took the chance to wash the mcdog.....

he never objects as he loves any sort of attention - it is more of a challenge for me!

it takes an awful lot of buckets of warm water, lavender suds and arm work to wash a hound as big as him :)

the pre soak.......

and the rinse.........

the great shake, shake, shake!!

the mad dash around the field to make sure every bit of water is out of his ears.....

and finally a lay down in the sun with his extra special treat as he is an extra special and well behaved boy x

and finally.....

a big old ghillie mcdog smile :)

love this hound

t x


Vintage to Victorian said...

He's huge! But so lovely! And beautifully clean!

Love his smile. We only had to say "grin, grin" to Rosie and she'd smile the biggest smile a dog could ever smile!

Sue x

Sandy Shirley said...

Love Love Love your blog! Thank you for sharing your animals with us.

GenerallyGemma said...

Some of those pictures remind me of little house on the pararie!

April said...

your dogs are amazing!

April xx

mollycupcakes said...

He is truely one pampered pooch lol
And looks all shiny and clean now, even his teeth.
Give us another smile Mcdog, you handsome fella.
Big kiss for that shiny nose.


Catherine x

lynn said...

i was instantly transported to the event... love love love the field of daisies.. and doesn't he scrub up well ! luv lynnie

teacakebiscuit said...

Oh my goodness, he's enormous! and what a handsome gent he's turned into too.

I laugh thinking about how teeny tiny little Cricket must look next to him, ahh bless him!

Pipany said...

He is gorgeous tracy. Great photos and the sun has finally arrived here too x

Rachel said...

What? No roll in the mud when it's all done?
He's a big handsome fella ☺

lexi said...

i've just moved to scotland from the US (for good) and i've told my future husband that once we get a house with a big yard, he HAS to get me a deerhound! ghillie has to be the cutest one ever! and the new puppy is about as adorable as they get!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I've gave you an award, you can collect it from my site.
Love Melanie xxx

Unknown said...

He's a handsome chap, love that last shot.

Jane said...

He is so lovely. jane x

Kitty said...

He is such a handsome boy! x

xo.sorcha.ox said...

What an enormous amount of personality this dog has - you can see it in his face! Beautiful.