will you ever forgive me for forgetting your birthday?
i knew it was coming
i was in the throes of planning rude card, funny text, long email.......
i blame it all on the "man flu"
it has fuddled my brain and left me all fuzzy and snotty.......
i promise to be a better friend for the rest of the year x
here is a cake just for you
and talulla would like to sing a belated "happy birthday" to you
i love you my boy
and hope to see you for an extra huge birthday hug soon
t x
I expect all is completely forgiven after that delightful rendition of "Happy Birthday" ;)
Is Mr P the Mr P at Afterburn? If so, I would like to say a belated Hippo Birdie of my own, and to say that I hope this coming year brings him some sense of peace. x
I'm sure the cake and Tallula are seperate entitities and that yawn was not the after-glow of after-burns cake...
H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y young fellow m'lad :-)
I'm sure seeing the cake and Tallula singing put a big smile on his face and your all forgiven for not remembering, you do have a good excuse, runny nose aches and pains. Man flu knocks any woman off her normal routine.
Happy birthday Mr P. A new year to move on and make the most of everything. You deserve some happiness x
Get well Tracy x
Catherine x
I love Tallula's singing and those polka dot candles are fab! I need to get me some of those ...
April xx
Hi Tracy followed the link from Michele......I have had a quick look back and spotted the puppy...so gorgoeus. Is he yours?
Beautiful singing Tallula!
Aha! A birthday!! Belated Natal Felicitations to you Mr. P if Tracy would be so kind as to pass them on.
Glad your man-flu is dissipating now Tracy, not even something as vicious as that can keep a girl down for long.
I've been shockingly bad at checking my friends' Blogs of late - I'm sorry!
Thank you for my birthday song.
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