when i met Stephen all those years ago, he made it quite clear that he really did not like dogs, and certainly would never own one.....
that is why we ended up with four cats
so how we now have four dogs
i simply cannot explain!
talulla happened because i nagged
and nagged
and nagged
i kept leaving information on the best points on Whippet ownership
i knew that it was the last litter from a particularly lovely Whippet, and i knew that i MUST own one of those babies.
we visited the pups on the very strict understanding that we were only looking.
talulla wooed Stephen from the moment we arrived
we left that day knowing talulla was ours x
bean was totally different
i heard that she was leading a miserable life - being bullied badly by an older whippet to the point where she was not allowed to play, run or be a pup :(
the owners allowed this to happen and despite knowing how scared bean was of this other dog, they made her sleep in a tiny crate with it in a cupboard under the stairs.
they walked her as little as possible as the other dog just kept knocking her to the floor and dragging her across the field
they said they were embarrassed to be seen with dogs behaving like this - so they stopped walking her all together.
we visited, could not believe the situation bean was in, handed over a pile of cash and took bean home.
it took weeks before bean felt secure enough to sleep any other way than curled up in a tight ball.
i have always loved deerhounds and never expected to find one up here or have enough garden to keep one truly happy
five months in Scotland and Ghillie arrived
who could resist that face x
as for that oh so cute pup
you guessed right
she is our number four xxxxxxx
i promise you that i had no intention on having a fourth dog - i would have to be mad - right?
but she is family.....
that cute little bundle is beans niece!!!
i have kept in contact with two of beans siblings - Esme her sister and Kane her brother
basically i knew of beans litter from the start - i wanted one but Stephen said NO!!
who knew that bean would be ours a year later.
anyway - the cutie is the daughter of Kane and she is ours!!!!
we collect her in four and a half weeks
we already love her
we know we are mad
but we just could not resist!
bean is such a wonderful whippy and we will probably never breed from her, so the chance to have another from her lines was too much of a temptation
and the fact that she is pure white apart from one black leg....
how special is that x
so yes Mr Sinclair - i have been a very bad girl!!
but you will love her on first sight
so - get yourself up here asap - how much fun will six dogs running at the beach be xx
as for other news
the house build actually started today - pictures over at Sea House blog
Awww, well congratulations on the new pup. Sometimes things happen just because ... I'm sure you will love her and she you.
Just off to look at the house build. Take care. x
Ghillie is looking really beautiful, how jealous I am of you being allowed to be the proud owners of soooo many dogs! Good Luck with the house build!
I know it is favoritism but I love the new pup best x
We have 5 dogs...still not enough!!
I want one (stamping feet)
Racheal x
How wonderful for you all to have a new addition to your family. She's going to be a cracker!
We had three dogs and two cats once upon a time and that was such fun. When we only had one elderly dog remaining my husband didn't want any more dogs or indeed anymore cats. Well we have one of each just now and I know it won't be long til we add to that number. (Shh!)
Many, many congratulations to you and Stephen on the arrival of another fabulous dawg.
We look forward to seeing this one grow-up too.
What a lucky lady to have so many pets :) I wish you all the best with the house build.
Since visiting your blog, I've always had a soft spot for Bean so I'm thrilled to bits that you'll be getting one of her relatives :)
Oh, she's so pretty! I love the little black leg - and the tip on her nose!
They're all gorgeous Tracy. Perfect place for you all to live (and Stephen really didn't stand a hope !) xxx
Lol I knew it, you just can't resist a cute face.
She is so very sweet, Molly just took one and look and it was awww! puppy.
How lovely to have another of Beans family, she will feel right at home.
I can't wait to see photos of feeding time at your house, hehe! all in a row heads down tails up.
Conratulations to both of you.
right I'm off to look at the new house and have a nosey around lol
Catherine x
She's lovely.
We had five dogs a while back. Was great fun but chaotic. Only have two now but we've managed to make up the pet numbers with five cats and four week old kittens:O) Young daughter wants to keep them all, of course!! Don't think the budgies will be too happy though!!
Good luck with the house:O)
I'm so glad she's yours
You are a lucky girl Tracy :-} Congratulations on the newest addition to the family!
Congratulations it's such fun living with a pack, if they get on of course. 4 was the most we ever had, actually now I come to think about it we had 4 cats at the time too.
How fortunate those sweet pups are to have YOU!
I was reading through your blog wondering how on earth I had missed one dog!
You are truly a wild woman - good lucj with your new addition. Mr Peacock is enough for me!
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