i find it amazing and intriguing how our minds work.
we all sit each day and read other blogs and without realising we build up a mental picture of what the writer looks like.
i have done the same myself - it is rare for the revealed photo to look anything like the person who sits inside my head !
so i am not sure if i am pleased that i come across as blond through my daily rambles or not......
yesterday passed in a flurry of dragging boxes (again) out and pulling together any Christmas stock that i need to photograph and put on the website - it is currently laying in piles in the office, waiting whilst i blog, drink tea and eat soya yoghurt with granola - yum.
i also sat and indulged in a little dvd watching - the weather was not great so i curled up with the girls and watched one of my favourites - practical magic.
i love this movie - the four witches are wonderful, the house they live in is just glorious and the acting is superb
i urge you all to go buy it.
today the weather has been wonderful, so i pulled on my fetching wellies and took the girls on the cliff walk.
you can go from the door of our rented cottage, walk along the sea edge all the way in to the harbour - beautiful.

local fisherman and duck and chicken keeper owns this amazing croft - sadly he uses it only as a workshop and storage area.
he lives just down the road in an ugly new house!
the girls have to be kept on leads (which they hate) as they would run off the edge at the first sight of any movement.
just before we turn around to head home we sit on a handy bench and gaze out to sea
i love living here x
.......but it is back to work - after the granola - more sorting, photographing and listing
but not before i have a sneak peek through two of my boxes of decorations - they remind me so much of our old home.
each year they have been added to, enjoyed, and then packed away in the red boxes.
maybe our new house deserves some new Christmas cheer.....
hurrah for shopping
and a little making.
see you all soon
t x
p.s - for all that asked - the beautiful (and vegetarian) boots are from Tesco and are only £10.
quick - before they all sell out.
Tracey, I thought of you as blonde because I thought that I had seen a photo of you in a past blog. I am a bad blog reader cos I go too fast so it was probably a photo of someone else, just on your site (though to be honest my brain is so mushy that it could have been a different blog altogether).
You look like someone I would go up and speak to if I saw them - which is good, because it is also quite rare.
I don't think I've commented here before, I've been lurking a while after seeing a comment at Tree Fall. I was moved to comment because of the photo of the house by the road looking down towards the sea, it just reminded me a bit of my childhood home in Orkney, and the walks me and my mum used to go on to the beach, picking flowers on the way. Thanks for cheering up my lunch hour!
such a beautiful place you live! it sounds perfect. thank you for sharing.
I'm not at all surprised you love living there. It really does look so beautiful. As each day passes I am longing more and more to get out of London and go someone peaceful with fresh air. Not sure I could make the move you have but I'm definitely setting my sights on some serious countryside. I think you definitlely need some new Christmas additions for the new place too.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of you as blonde! You live in such a stunning spot - your walks must be so special - a place to really notice the seasons changing.
Kim x
Thanks for the tip - I'm off to Tescos!
Ooooh, Practical Magic. You seem to have forgotten the delectable Mr Goran Visnjic when you mentioned that film ..... the only reason I watch it :)
I think I may have to have those boots.....
What an amazing place to live, you lucky thing, and you're right about that scottish water, it makes the best tea!
Julia x
well i am not sure you want to hear this either, but i thought of you as blonde...thanks for showing pictures of your outside world...such beautiful scenery.
I'm just off to Tesco's where I get my best clothes.
They cost me one pound fifty but they're very very nifty.
Hi Tracy,
I love looking at the pics of your new home,it must be so nice to look out on something so beautiful every day.
Please let me know when you list the Kitchen soap and knitted cloth,I'm very keen to buy some,
Thanks for the hug,hope you are feeling less raw as each day passes.
I'm ok for a while then something will remind me of my dad and I'm off again.
Hows your scrummy Archie ?
Were the cats well behaved whilst you were away ?
Kat xxx
It looks idealic, so many people live in lovely surroundings and are so busy they don't even notice what is on their doorstep. Take advantage everyday Tracey and never tire of your view,
Hey, I didn't think you were blonde, I don't really know what I thought but I was surprised when I did finally see you.
You do truly live in a very picturesque place, before moving to France we considered Scotland, my mum is Scottish and I have visitied a lot of parts.
We considered Skye but decided that it wouldn't offer enough for the children, also another big deciding factor was that Scotland can be quite a dull place in winter and I don't cope very well with winter, some love it but I need sunshine, bit like a flower lol.
I know what you mean about having the girls on leads, one slight movement and they are off.
I have had ex racing greyhounds as pets in the past and they couldn't be let off the lead at anytime at all.
Racheal x
Oww! Christmas things, they made me smile. Don't feel funny about other people thinking you were blonde, we all have those moments, I sometimes have whole days of it lol
Love the photos. You, Stephen and the animals where made to live in a such a beautiful place. Enjoy sweetie.
Catherine x
I have to own up too. I thought you were a fellow blondie!
P.S. I secretly covet brunette hair.
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