Monday 14 June 2010

excuse me madam .... i seem to have something on my foot....


that's better...

managed to get all the poo off by rubbing it on your trouser leg.....

will you just look at my shiny clean feet...

i can almost see my face in them....

perfect for a spot of lamb dancing....

do excuse me while i rush and tell my friend about the disgusting mess left on your last pair of clean jeans....


t x


Madness and mayhem said...

We once had a goat that used to wipe its nose on jeans worn by anyone who came into the field.If they were wearing plain old trousers she wasnt interested.You can never be clean with animals,its all part of the fun.x

Lyn said...

Oh how cute!

diney said...

Baaaha ha that was so cute !

Katy Noelle said...

My, how obliging you are!

Alexandra said...

This made me laugh :) I never have clean clothes for long with Fee around, she is trying to dig her way out of the garden at the moment, i nearly fell down one of the holes yesterday. Hope you are having a great week xxx

mollycupcakes said...

LOL loving that story, it made me laugh out loud LOL

Anna Wilson-Patterson said...

Ahhh brings back memories of my hens.