sorry for the lack of blog posts..
i said it would be a massive thing that would stop me from my mission to post everyday this year..
to be honest i have been struggling to get my head around the newcomers...
i have been spending as much time as possible just sitting in their field quietly..
talking to them
reassuring them that they are now safe
we knew very little about this groups history before they arrived, just that they had been through a pretty tough time...
i said it would be a massive thing that would stop me from my mission to post everyday this year..
to be honest i have been struggling to get my head around the newcomers...
i have been spending as much time as possible just sitting in their field quietly..
talking to them
reassuring them that they are now safe
we knew very little about this groups history before they arrived, just that they had been through a pretty tough time...
sitting with them and gently observing i can see that they are so scared, so wary and all carrying wounds that are proof of their horrible start and how cruel we human beings can be towards animals...

you all know that nora has no ears, her ear tag was handed to us to keep safe as there is literally no lobe left to put it through...
bitten by midges and left to become infected, eaten away by infection until only bone remained...
bitten by midges and left to become infected, eaten away by infection until only bone remained...

this beautiful lady is the mama of lamb number one... she cannot feed her own baby as the idiot who sheared her years ago took off not only the fleece but all but one of her teats....
but she still adores him and protects him more than any other ewe i have ever seen...
but she still adores him and protects him more than any other ewe i have ever seen...

she also has numerous holes in her ears where her previous owner decided that rather than using the same hole if her tag fell out they would just re- pierce it time and time again...
the same owner thought it would be a good idea to cut a huge chunk out of one of her ears just so he would know for absolute certainty that she belonged to him....
the same owner thought it would be a good idea to cut a huge chunk out of one of her ears just so he would know for absolute certainty that she belonged to him....

the lady at the back of the picture above is our ewe yet to lamb..
we have named her hilde
she so desperately wants to come close as i sit on my wooden stool but she just cannot be sure that i can be trusted...
out of all she has the most soulful eyes...
i am more than a little in love with hilde but i know it is going to be a long road before she trusts us...
we have named her hilde
she so desperately wants to come close as i sit on my wooden stool but she just cannot be sure that i can be trusted...
out of all she has the most soulful eyes...
i am more than a little in love with hilde but i know it is going to be a long road before she trusts us...

she has not been sheared for many years so is carrying around a huge extra weight ....
i cannot tell if she has any external wounds as her fleece covers her almost completely....
i cannot tell if she has any external wounds as her fleece covers her almost completely....

this is mama to lamb number two and to be honest i have very little to tell of this lady as she is the most worried, the most wary, the most scared of humans...
she has apparently killed her previous two lambs which we think may just have been down to the lack of security and care she was being given - an animal will often kill its own if it cannot provide for it - often they abort early due to lack of available nutrition...
thanks to the lovely lady who saved this group and gave the correct nutrition and safe home in the latter stages of pregnancy, this mama now has the chance to love her baby..
and she truly does love him
they are all living happily together in a field getting used to other sheep in adjoining fields, passing dogs and ponies and us....
we are bottle feeding lamb number one which is a joy but it is always tinged with sadness as his mama flits around bleating for her boy...
she has apparently killed her previous two lambs which we think may just have been down to the lack of security and care she was being given - an animal will often kill its own if it cannot provide for it - often they abort early due to lack of available nutrition...
thanks to the lovely lady who saved this group and gave the correct nutrition and safe home in the latter stages of pregnancy, this mama now has the chance to love her baby..
and she truly does love him
they are all living happily together in a field getting used to other sheep in adjoining fields, passing dogs and ponies and us....
we are bottle feeding lamb number one which is a joy but it is always tinged with sadness as his mama flits around bleating for her boy...

today she came close enough to touch my trouser leg with her soft nose..
i am hoping that she is starting to realise that we are only doing good things for her precious baby...
i am of course overjoyed they are here but it will take a long time for me to get my head around how someone could have mistreated this group of beautiful creatures so much
they are all here
and we are so very, very glad
t x
i am hoping that she is starting to realise that we are only doing good things for her precious baby...
i am of course overjoyed they are here but it will take a long time for me to get my head around how someone could have mistreated this group of beautiful creatures so much
they are all here
and we are so very, very glad
t x
Your words have brought tears to my eyes, and yet I am so happy and relieved for the sheep. Look forward to seeing their progress over the weeks. God bless you.
SO glad you have them safe and to look after them. They are very lucky or at least lucky enough to of found you at this moment. I am planning to get some things to you in the next 2 weeks hope it doesn't arrive too late!
Both my husband and I are so moved and concerned (and angry). I haven't been leaving my normal messages but I HAVE been here biting my nails for all of this. Of course, you haven't been posting, we all knew what was going on. Keep up the good work!!!!!
Love, Kate x
Oh the lump in my throat! You are an angel for these lovely wooly ladies. Will be posting raffle prizes after mad bank holiday.
take care x
bless you, bless you. for what you are doing.... the poor poor dears... they will come around , i am looking at two kitties who once lived in the woods , they wouldn't even come near us... now they are sleeping on the couch!
Oh my giddy aunt those poor loves...& the lovely miss nora I am so glad they are with you now & can start to heal...thoughts r with you Tracey xx
You are doing sterling work. Those sheep must think they are in heaven and you are their ministering angel. Let us know when the raffle is up and running. Good luck.
These poor creatures have been blessed to find you. Looking forward to reading the updates on their progress. You are a true angel.
I'm sitting here crying ... I can't believe how cruel people can be ... I'm glad that the flock is now safe and with people who will love and care for them
It's beyond my comprehension how peole can treat animals this way... I'm so pleased there are people like you, and that the sheep have found you to look after them; it sounds like you're doing a great job xxx
What a wonderful post, i am so glad they are with you now! xxx
brought tears to my eyes too , i think that you and the lady who cared for them previously have such big hearts - lucky sheep
It never ceases to astound me how low a human being can behave, they must have no compassion at all!
I am sure they will all settle very soon with the general vibe of love around them!
I'm tearful too... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your very good work.
For those who have no voice,
Val in Kansas :-(
What a life they have had, what a life they will have! You are fantastic!
This has brought tears to my eyes too. Thank goodness they have beeen taken under your protective wing. Let me know when the raffle tickets are available and I'll pop another post on my blog.
Twiggy x
oh tracy i cried when i read your blog today ..what is the matter with these shocking people??i can gain comfort that they are now safe and they now live with are a true saint ..bless you and i hope these treasured creatures will learn to trust...
Reading that just breaks my heart, why oh why would someone be so cruel. i just can't understand it. they need locking up or given the same nasty treatment that they've inflicted upon those beautiful creatures.
They are safe and sound now thanks to that wonderful lady and now you and Stephen and will have a long and happy life at Seahouse.
It beggars belief how a "human" can treat other creatures in such a way. At least now they have a safe and loving home.
Talking ofhomes, I was on Skye this week....and I think I've bought a house!
Tracy, You haven't received my little items yet, as unfortunately I was unable to send them last week.
They will be coming to you on Tuesday morning. :)
I have posted a post about you on my blog today... I haven't got many followers yet (lol), but hopefully it will still help to spread the word.
You're doing a great job :)
Have a good bank holiday Tracy.
Donna x
P.s. Hope the post is o.k. ?
You are taking such good care of their lambs that their babies will lead even the shyest one to trust you. It's all a matter of love and patience and you have shown you have "the right stuff". Like so many others, I follow your blog everyday and have become attached to all your animals, and to you too!
Thanks so much for the introductions to your lovely new family members. They've all had a pretty tough existence up to now by the sound of it and so it's wonderful to know that they now have a life to enjoy and live in safety and peace with you. Well done Tracy for making such a difference x
cant belive people can be so horribly cruel...thankfully my girl and boy have huge you both so much.
Oh ! I'm so glad these gentle creatures have found a safe caring home with you. I'm horrifird reading the treatment they endured.
You're so correct. What makes people do these things? It's inexplicable. At any rate, you have a good heart and I love reading about all your little charges.
Please don't fret Tracy, as hard as it all seems the raffle will get sorted really and no one will forget. You won't let them. I think you just sound tired and facing the cruelty of humans like you are is no mean feat. Don't beat yourself up, what you're doing is amazing.
Thank goodness that at least your sheep are safe from any further harm. They look beautiful ladies.
Big hugs to you you star.
bless you and all your lovely sheeps xxx
Oh what a horrible time those poor dears have had but now they have only good times to come with their new loving home.
I get so frustrated and angry when I hear about the careless, money-driven farming practices of today. You are doing such a wonderful thing for these animals and I admire it so much. Keep up the good work! :)
such a moving story and so glad you now have them to love.
I shall follow their progress with interest.
im glad too. please give us periodic updates on their progress.
What an amazing thing to do. I can just see you, sitting peacefully and loving them. And they do need your love. I feel so happyto know that they are all being well cared for. I too look forward to seeing their progress over the coming weeks. Love L x
Aren't they lucky to have found such a wonderful home after all their troubles?
If only all neglected and cruelly treated animals could find such sanctuary.
How can people treat animals in their care so badly. Thank goodness they have now all come home to you.
You are the safe haven they so desperately needed. Well done you for supplying the love and reassurance they need.
Don't worry about not posting, somethings should always be higher up our list of priorities, and you have your priorities spot on.
Sue xx
Oh I am crying again- As a rescuer of the mistreated of this world I know exactly where you are coming from. MrP says I baby Saffi but after the start in life she had I don't begrudge her one ounce of love, there are not enough cuddles in this lifetime to give her- the human race owes her. I am just so glad that the ewes and lambs are safe with you Jxx
Tracy you are so lovely.
Thanks to people like you, beautiful creatures like these get a second chance at life. I feel exactly the same about my chickens when we go to collect them straight out the battery farms, ashamed that humans think they they can do what they like with these lovely animals, treating them with no respect.
Sounds like they are slowly coming round to you already and I'm sure the trust will eventually flow through your little flock.
I'll try and get some stuff over to you for your raffle. xx
I've really enjoyed reading your post and will call back - I'm now following you and yours!
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