lets get it out there right at the start..
turning mcdog in to a sheep herding genius is not progressing at any great speed...
it would seem that the great and good mcdog has developed a rare condition called
sheep blindness.....
"who removed all the sheep?"
"i have looked everywhere"
"someone call the police
i think they may have been stolen"
i think they may have been stolen"
"which is actually very lucky as i am far too busy playing with my bit of old pipe to have
a proper job"
be prepared
the dog training dvd has arrived
and there is a rumour that an actual real life sheep dog trainer may be
paying us a little visit....
t x
oh, dear! I think that I'm in love with Ghille Mcdog! Will you give him a hug and kiss for me or is that way too unprofessional for a working dog?
poor mr. mcdog...... he just wants to be mr. mcdog..... he is so so wonderful.....
Well so long as he is coming along with it... I think he is doing ever so well =O) I have two horses at home who would rather play tug o war with a bit of hose than learn things too. I look forward to more tales of McDogs training. Jx
Poor Mcdog, he obviously has no idea what he is in for bless him. Do you think he will enjoy watching the DVD, will it make any difference do you think??!!!lol. Good luck. Dev x
Whoops! Poor Mcdog!
Fingers crossed he will improve!
Rachel x
Ahh, but he's such a cutie Tracy! Good luck xx
Oh McDog, I'll keep a good thought for you...in the meantime, enjoy that old pipe!
Val in Kansas :-)
Ghillie's just playing it cool and will suddenly turn into sheep dog herder extortionist, leaping around the field sheep listening and moving at his beck and call LOL
Come on Ghille show us all what you've got.
Catherine x
Goodness gracious woman, all those long dogs you have and you haven't yet worked out that they don't do working? Long dogs are supervisors, they supervise us, not sheep.
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