Sunday, 10 January 2010

Sunday Portrait

little Bet Lynch.....

t x


Angel Jem said...

That is cool!

julie said...

miss Mabel looks very fetching - good to see she's keeping warm in style. I love your peas in the last post - perfect! Best wishes for a very happy 2010!

Just Original said...

Very funny, I hope the pooch cannot see its reflection anywhere, it might be traumatised!

Vanessa x

mollycupcakes said...

Pull us a pint Miss Mabel Moo and I'll have a G&T thanks.
And one for yourself lol

Cute x

Catherine x

mollycupcakes said...

Miss Mollycupcakes says, Mabel Moo can borrow her leapard wellies and scarf to go with it anytime LOL

Unknown said...

He! He! Love it x

Rachelle Blondel said...

awwwww how adorable...I have just got a 'stylish knits for dogs' bk from the library as wee Stanley gets a bit of a shiver going when he's outside

trudette said...

She adorable and very cool too !
Thanks for sharing this great photo .

Fi said...


walter and me said...

Too cute! Have you seen these:
They do whippety-shaped ones too.

So pleased Mr Sheep is fine!


Alexandra said...

Hi i hope you don't mind me asking where you got Mabels coat from? I need to get Fee something to wear indoors thats not as heavy as her waterproof coat...and i love your peas in your last post xx

Emma Herian said...

Oh Bless! Where's her fag?

A Rose Without A Thorn said...

Oh my gosh, Bet Lynch indeed. All you need is a little bar for her to lean against. Though I think her hair needs to be back combed a bit more. Maureen.....