but first a peep at a new brooch i have been tinkering with...

a good alternative for a Valentine?
want to avoid yet more hearts and slushy poems - then go with the pea!

lots more new items are waiting to be photographed and will soon be available to peep at on my brand new sparkling website.... one for Cupcakes and another for Olive and Harry - we have been very busy discussing options with our web guy down South and think that we are almost ready to go - it has been an awful long time coming ... building this house has taken up all our time and energy!
anyhoo - enough waffle - just time for a quick picture of a wee chap that is fast growing out of his p.j's.......

tomorrow i will be returning to my Sunday Portraits... who will it be?
t x
t x
Fabby Pea'a & PJ's.
Glad the boy is on the mend.
Luv sophie xxx
Ha Ha Ha!!! What Fab P.J's!!!! Looking forward to seeing your Web Site, I have been starting to plan what veggies to grow next year but hubby has been saying....really, will I have time what with working full time too? But, I really want to make time! Watch this space!! xx Have a good evening
Omg! I LOVE LOVE the doggie pj's!!
And I would much rather have a pea than a "mushy" valentine. :-)
Cricket is adorable in his pj's!
bless little cricket and his little cotton pjs!
love the broach too. nothing like a bit of rustic yarn, it's my favourite. textures and tweeds, yummy :)
oh my goodness! those jammies crack me up! still waiting for my sea house invite...did i fall in the cracks?
love the pj's , looks so cute --- and a vey cute pea too
Oh I love the pea brooch. And he looks adorable in his pajamas! Still trying to convince G we need a greyhound or whippet... K x
That's a fab idea tracy. Hope you sell loads. Love the pj pic! xx
I love the pea brooch, it's such a sweet idea.
And Cricket looks so snuggley in his PJ's. Now all he needs is a little night cap and slippers lol.
Thinking of you xxx
Catherine x
oh my ! those pj's are absolutely adorable !
I do like the red pyjamas! And the brooch is a very original idea!
Pomona x
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