Wednesday, 16 September 2009

i'm in the mood for dancing.....

i LOVE the Nolans..... but that is not what i am here to talk about today - that is just a little snippet of info about me that you must never repeat.....

today i bring you dancing whippets...
never seen before
and probably will never be seen again.....

the tale begins on a normal Wednesday when each and every member of Sea House was busy doing there own thing....
Stephen was up and down an alarmingly high ladder putting up the last layer of insulation in the sitting room...
i could hear the cutting and snipping and cursing....
he then left the room to answer a telephone call and that is when it happened....

i am not sure if miss mabel moo and cricket actually heard the rather wonderful Nolans and just had to get up and dance, or if the mood just came over them with no musical temptation at all....
or perhaps it was just the draw of the sparkly silver dance floor that had appeared in the room that previously they had only considered as a dull whippet race track.....

whatever the reason

they danced

and danced

they even managed to persuade bean to swing her hips..... but only for a second - clearly dancing on a silver dance floor is for young pups only.....

after some considerably time and many, many holes in the silver dance floor later.....
all that was left to do was for cricket the young dashing chap that he is, to whisper "sweet nothings" in his sweetheart / beautiful dance partners ear.....

what a smoothie :)

t x


trash said...

And after his phone call how did Stephen respond to the actions of the 'Crazy Whippets' Dancing Troupe?

Tracy x said...

i am currently still denying that i know anything about the large amount of holes in the insulation.....

Pomona said...

Photographic evidence - possibly a bit incriminating?!

Pomona x

Alexandra said...

Hi Tracy, I love your dancing whippets...i think fee is looking more like a whippet now....she is now sleeping with all 4 legs straight up in the air??? Is this a whippet thing? x x

julie said...

brilliant, that just proves you have to have the camera close by at all times.
jules x

Vintage to Victorian said...

Brilliant! When are you taking them on tour? They're bound to be a sell-out!

Sue x

acrossthepond said...

Such loves! The antics of all those who live at Sea House!

*emilie* said...

what an amazing dancefloor with view on the water ! aren't those two entertaining

Love Honor Disobey said...

Thinking of you T...sending you hugs and love xxx

Bovey Belle said...

My last Whippet laddy (Willow) was a dancer. If we had dancing music on when my girls were younger and they were dancing in the kitchen, he would jump up and you caught his front paws and you had a Whippet dance partner . . . He was tall (racing Whippet stock) so just the right height!