Friday, 7 August 2009

still not great......

leads, batteries and goodness knows what else arriving for laptop soon....
brand new washing machine on its way - yay - washing mountain v.big......
shower pump replaced and working better than ever.....

so a bad start to the week but it seems to be ending well....

great weather and i get to wake up to this each day.....

and this beauty....

and these ears....

and this gentle, gentle chap....

and this cute puss cat....

amongst others....

life is just dandy

t x

huge apologies to my giveaway winner and swap partner.... your details are all on my laptop so i have no idea where to send your goodies :(
hopefully they will be on the way to you next week x


Vintage to Victorian said...

I don't think I'd mind if every electrical appliance broke if I could wake up to that every day!!!!

Sue x

Lyn said...

Well glad things are on the mend. Those ears! and Im a sucker for a cutie puss cat!

Foxtail Lilly said...

SUCH STUNNERS!!! Least you have sunshine!! Been horid here. Enjoy XXXXXXXX

P.s Ede loved Frank ( defo wants an in-house mate!!)

Katie twinkles said...

Seems just peachy. I think it must be the full moon, the humid weather and whatever else but gadgets breaking down has been the feature of the last week so I am not going to even try the washing machine. And that's that x

KELLY said...

glad that there's light at the end of the tunnel for you...i have a washing mountain of my own here but sadly no excuse of the machine breaking down! lots of rain this week has put a hold on my laundry plans but this morning is glorious so it's time for me to get my bum in gear : )

your velvety friends are just adorable...they must make every day sweet for you. have a fun weekend with them Xx

Samantha said...

Poor you - with all those appliances dying. But your lovely brood more than make up for it!


Angel Jem said...

Better, though...
Glad you'll be fully available again soon! And a new washing machine, sadly, is one of life's necessities. Enjoy.

Pomona said...

I think that view makes up for it all - and those big soulful eyes!

Pomona x

julie said...

the view looks amazing, how is the house going apart from lightning strikes of course??
jules x

Minnie said...

Oh, I love George:o))) xxx

xo.sorcha.ox said...

I love your posts, and I am so jealous of your scenic views!
Hope to have you back permanently soon! :)