Monday, 3 August 2009



laptop gone up in a puff of smoke taking the washing machine and shower pump with it.....

will return as soon as all gadgets feel better or are removed and replaced....

no access to email so apologies to all those who think i am rude to not have responded....

thank goodness the sun is shining!

t x


Gemma Mortlock said...

i know exactly how you feel

julie said...

wondered where you were, its not the same without your daily dose of ramblings
love jules xx

...Nina Nixon... said...

Good luck - hope all is back to normal soon.

Nina x

Cat said...

Oh No! Hang in there and we will wait to hear all about it. One of our dogs decided to throw up on our laptop so I truly sympathize.

KELLY said...

oh dear! i don't know what's laptop or no shower? on the bright side at least it means no laundry and no ironing for a while! hope your gadgets recuperate soon...enjoy the sunshine in the meantime : ) Xx

Pipany said...

Oh how awful for you Tracy. We are having major washing machine probs here too...argh!! Hope all is sorted soon x

My life with MND said...

Oh dear :o(

Hope you get sorted soon! x

Fabric Nation said...

enjoy the sunshine, and the veggie patch is looking fab!

Angel Jem said...

See you soon!

Minnie said...

This being Cat Central, the no washing machine bit would do my head in. lol Closely followed by no internet!

Hope you are not too stressed out:o) x

Enjoy your sunshine. Nothing but rain here! Can't wait for Autumn.

Jane and Chris said...

Tracy (and furred friends). I stumbled across your blog, and whooped in delight!! A woman living in a wooden house, tons of animals and (I think by the photo of the vegan bun) a vegan!! It's me's me...except that I am an ex pat (English) living in Ontario a passive solar house with no central heating, twelve rescue cats (oh and a husband!) and a dream to make our house as "carbon friendly footprinted" as possible, and become as self sufficient as we can before my husband and I peg out over all the hard work, lack of finances etc etc etc. Your blog has cheered me no end!
PS I have a blog but it is not very exciting!