to be honest i too have nothing much to report - no new crafty goodness, no new animals!
we do have a rather good crop coming from the veggie garden - so far it seems that anything will grow up here - fantastic :)
we do have a young cricket that no longer looks like a pup x
we do have exciting news on the horizon but we are still working through the details and will reveal all soon......
and for those waiting for an invite or news of Sea House - sorry, sorry, sorry - there truly is nothing to show at the moment - however building work starts in earnest in the next two weeks so the blog will be updated on a more regular basis - hurrah i hear you cry - for what is the point of inviting folk when there is nowt to look at!!!
t :)
Goodness just look at Cricket! So elegant... isn't it amazing how that loooong lurcher nose just slowly elongates, and those baby legs grow long and strong.... He is absolutely beautiful.
Looking forward to seeing more of Sea HOuse as and when you are able... I know what it is like!
Have to get some pics of my newly-planted beds up soon. Have been doing some therapeutic planting.
much love
xx Elspeth
My goodness, Cricket has really grown. He has become a handsome young man.
He's just one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen. How he has grown! I can't believe it.
I'm glad you are getting a good harvest and things are just "normal". Normal is kinda comfy in so many ways.
Such a good looking chap!! Enjoy your summer and veggies!
Lots of love . Traceyxxxxx
Not a lot to show here either at the moment Tracy. Cricket looks so beautiful; such a great look in his eyes. xx
What a handsome young chap he has grown in to, and bet he's fast on those long legs.x
I so love seeing photos of Cricket!
dear T,
well that was a nice way to spend a few minutes and a cup of tea...
caught up on all the 'to-ings and fro-ings' in your neck of the woods. can't believe i missed your 'give away'!! that's the problem with 'touring a small island' for nearly 4 weeks. one misses out on such things...
how 'grown up' cricket is looking... little olive is yet to be ours, she will be soon but alas it had to be postponded, i am hoping next week will be 'thee week' when our worlds are turned upside down for a while :)
Tif x
When there is no news it is still lovely to see photo's of the puppers...especially Cricket!
He has grown into a very handsome young man, but he still has those goofy puppy ears.
Bless him.
I would love an invite to your Sea House blog... I love seeing what you are doing with your new home. It looks beautiful!
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