Friday, 15 May 2009

before the thrifty goodness......

i suddenly realised that i am behind with news of the lambs.... here is a brief catch-up...

after our first big lad we had the pleasure of being blessed with a set of twins..... eeekkkk :)
i think that they are both boys - Stephen put the iodine on their navels and did not look at what sex they are (how could he not dear readers?), but from a distance i am sure i can see dangly bits :)

and taking us by surprise this very morning (ewe showed no signs of going in to labour), we are lucky enough to have another set of twins x

these pictures are especially for my mama as she was such a great sheep watcher whilst she was here...

this time i was here to iodine and give them the once over... two precious little girls x
one seems a little weak so it will be vital to keep a close eye on her over the next 24hrs - we hope that she picks up as she is so very white and very pretty x

we have one further ewe still to lamb and maybe another due even later - when our vet visited our half pint (remember her?) was showing no signs of being pregnant, but this morning she has started to shed her coat so we are still hopeful.

as for our other baby?
not so small anymore!

cricket has grown both in size and personality - as of today he can hop over his pen wall with ease, has had his first taste of pony poop, can wrestle like a maniac with miss mabel moo and has leapt in to a cat basket containing one very surprised cat!

he has two mama's as mabel continues to be by his side whenever talulla allows which is more and more each day -

i am sure that cricket and mabel will be best buddies which is great as my gorgeous beanie whippet misses the company of tallula so very much...... she seems unimpressed by the puppers so far, only going as far as a mini ear wash - she prefers to watch him from up high!

for now i must away to lamb check but i will be back soon with a post full of thrifty finds.....
i will not be swayed off course by cute animals.....

promise :)

waving goodbye .......

t x


DriveAway said...

oooooh my,so sweet and i missed it!do try and get some sleep you two,i know you worry about them,but i worry about you.The pictures of the castle made me remember how wonderful it was to spend time with you,and cricket,so cute,i feel lucky to have seen him so tiny and so funny!
Missing you my Girl.

Kitty said...

Awwwww, they are so gorgeous - all of them. Lambs and puppy. You must be on very fertile ground up there ;-) x

Katie twinkles said...

I can now see that bear is a whippet after all..

Do you think Bean is upset that her friends' had a baby and she hasn't? Do dogs think like that I wonder?

beautiful lambs but the Ewes are stunning in my opinion xx Well done ladeez

April said...

Oh what wonderful news on the lambs, I hope they continue to thrive,

Cricket is more beautiful by the day

April xx

Fabric Nation said...

Oh my word, you kmow how to rear lambs as well! And have your own lambs springing around. How do you get anything dome without spending all day watching these lovelies!

Vintage to Victorian said...

So much gorgeousness.

Good luck with the rest of the lambing - and take heed of your Mummy's instructions!

Sue x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your lovely comment, Tracy, and for these wonderful pictures of lambs and dear pups.... What lucky animals they are to live with you and Stephen. I'm glad, too, that you had such a precious good time with your parents.
All well here, except Tinker still jumping up (which now she is HUGE) is no joke! and chewing whatever of Mary's toys are left around (thinking positively, it is a pretty good way (if a hard lesson at the time) to teach a child the importance of putting things away!)
Clever cricket waving!
What a brilliant name for him.
xxx Elspeth

The Odd Bird said...

oh my gosh... all these babies are so cute I can't stand it... I want to come live with you and just play with little lambs and pups all day everyday.... lol..

mollycupcakes said...

Awww lots of beautiful shiny new lambs at seahouse, they are lovely. Congratulations lovely lady.
I hope the little weak one gets big and strong. I'm sure it will because of all the love and attention it will get from not only it's mummy but you and Stephen as well. You are both fabulous people and doing a wonderful thing up there in Scotland.
As for Mr Cricket, wow he's so cute that last photo is a heart breaker lol
Waving back little fella and a kiss for that ever so button nose X
Catherine x

Anonymous said...

OMG! Such an adorable, sweet post! xxx

Pipany said...

Just lovely though Tracy. very lovely also to hear of them all xx

Foxtail Lilly said...

So love looking at your pics of lovely Cricket,and all the lads and lassies -All the best to you and your clan XXXXX

...Nina Nixon... said...

Those lambs are gorgeous and your adorable little puppy looks like a real cheeky little chappy!

Nina x

Bertie Meadows said...

Oh it's all too cute for words!
Bertie x