Sunday, 12 April 2009

Sunday Portrait # Six

nicer than a chocolate egg.....

t x


Cat said...

Cricket is soooo beautiful! Happy Easter!

Willow said...

Oh my goodness, he just gets more and more cute as the days go by! Happy Easter little Cricket!

Willow x

Oast Farm said...

Gosh so cute how gorgeous does he have that lovely new puppy smell? Love your blog.

lynn said...

you betcha ..and the smell of warm puppies you can't beat it lynnie

Lazylol said...

Soooo cute!

Pipany said...

Definitely! HAppy easter Tracy xx

mollycupcakes said...

Happy Easter Little Cricket, next year you're be able to eat easter eggs of your own. Yummy!

Hope your all well and the weather been kind to you all.

I keep checkign in on the forum and was thrilled to read about your news on Sunday.

Many hugs,
Catherine x

Katie twinkles said...

sweet little paws x

Heart in the country said...

Definitely.....Cricket just gets more adorable!

OhSoVintage said...

I have been catching up on all the story behind the birth of Cricket. What a saga! He is just adorable and his fur looks so velvety soft it makes me want to reach out and stroke him! I wouldn't get anything done with him around, just adorable.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful, wonderful story ! Cricket was very obviously meant to be.
I shall be checking back to see the little one's progress. How did you come up with the name ?
I have a 7 month old Springer who is fantabulous but I feel we missed out on so much as he was an RSPCA rescue and didn't get him until 12 weeks old.
We had that lovely unique puppy smell for a while but now he's turned into a teenager he prefers to stink of skanky wet mud. But I love him all the same. There are lots of pics on my blog.
Laurie x

Jane said...

Beautiful.Jane x