young cricket has stolen our hearts in the short time that he has been with us and is now entertaining us with his antics!
he has become a real scamp who wagged his tail at me for the very first time on Tuesday ....

he is starting to appear at the crate door and demanding in rather a loud voice that he wants to come out to play....
he has been such an easy puppers to toilet train - in fact we have not had to train him at all - as soon as the paper was down he just seemed to know that he should climb out of his bed to pee - at night he does this stagger to the paper and moans all the way there, then stops moaning whilst he pees, and then moans all the way back in to his bed!
the last three nights he has developed a nasty habit of waking at around 1.30am and squeaking loudly until i open the crate door so he can come out to play - he then repeats this at around 5am...
i am a walking zombie as stephen seems to have developed "selective hearing"....
the weaning process has begun
slowly, slowly as mama talulla is not very happy about it but she is spending less and less time in the nest during the day and has rejoined her whippity friends out and about in the garden
i have given up trying to persuade her to come inside as cricket exercises his lungs and attempts to feed from me, blankets, toy duck..... he does not seem too fussy where his food comes from and enjoys his teaspoon of puppy meat
he clearly believes in holding his food down whilst eating just in case somebody else comes along ...

best use both feet
just in case :)

luckily his mama is on hand to wash the mucky puppers chops!

in other news the house is coming along in preparation for our first visitors..
apparently i have reached fever pitch in my excitement at seeing my parents and when i talk about it, which apparently is all * the * time, only the dogs can hear me....
hey ho
back soon
t x
Ahhhh..Just love, love, love, him!
So cute the way he's snuggling into your neck.Holding onto his food too!
Too cute!
Rachel x
They grow so fast! I love how he holds the saucer down. He's going to be a lover boy.
Hey, I've had a thought, when your parents come back they can bring Cricket to *Me*!
That last picture is just x beauty x I would love to copy it-Do you mind???? I want to gaze at it ...
you must be past excitable about the visitors now!!
How many days?
Enjoy! Enjoy !!
What fun - do you suppose Cricket will still be with you when your parents go home, or will they be hiding him in their luggage?!!!!
Not long now - you'll have such a lovely time!
Sue x
I cannot believe how fast that baby is growing. Seems like yesterday he was just a little smidgen of a chap. Wish I could give him a kiss....
My, he's going to be a handsome one. My Archie had me awake at exactly 5.15am this morning demanding a wee. But he won't go back to bed so I'm knackered today ! Gotta love em though. Cricket is just so scrummy x
He is just perfect! xxxxxxxxx
Oh my goodness Cricket is just sooo scrumpous.
That first photo is one to hang on the wall honey. He's a handsome little chap.
I think only the dogs will be able to hear Molly and Daisy tomorrow when i show them that one lol
I'd better put cotton wool in my ears before i do so hehe!
I bet your Mum and Dad can't wait to come and visit. How long is it now? And will we ben seeing the guest rooms over on Seahouse blog?
Oh I'm so nosy lol
Many hugs,
Catherine x
tracy i can feel the contentment and happiness in your blog .it's a wonderful start to my day [still think you should write a book on the infamous darling cricket..just tell it exactly like your blog and all those wonderful photos..pt my name down for one please ] thank you for sharing ..lynnie ps thank you for your comment too
Oh my gosh he is so darn cute! I can't believe how old he is already!!! It is so fun to read your post about lil Cricket!~Smiles~Tam!
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