Thursday 17 July 2008

oh crap......

blogger will not let me upload any images
is it blogger or dial-up?

so - no news from here

i may be back soon or i may not - a post without pictures is hardly any fun........

i shall keep trying as and when i can, but for now i have nothing to show and tell :(

of course i will pop by all your lovely blogs and admire your shiny, happy, glossy pictures and not feel in the least bit resentful.

boo hoo

t x


Kitty said...

Awwww, never mind. It'll make it all the more exciting when we finally do get to see it! x

Barbara said...

Ooh how annoying when things don't work! Hope things are going well for you otherwise.

Vintage to Victorian said...

Hope it's sorted soon - have been checking every day to see if you're 'up and running'!! I'm sure the wait will be worth it though!

{oc cottage} said...

That is the best title for a post that I have seen all day!!!! :)

M ^..^

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back - been checking on you daily and wondering how the move is going! Looking forward to the pix - just go with the flow and don't stress too much. Computers can drive you nuts.

Pipany said...

Oh poo, that's a pain. Hopefully you'll be back soon Tracy xx

driftwood shack said...

you know I have heard so many people say this has happened to them! I have a spare browser on my desktop for when things go a bit wobbly so I can check if its me or blooger (sorry- blogger!)

teacakebiscuit said...

Yay you're back! I missed reading your blog. Sorry about the pictures, how frustrating.

If you do get sick of dialup, I've seen those mobile modem things that you can plug into your laptop that let you log in from anywhere. I think there was one for as little as £10/month in one of the carphone warehousey type places. I don't know how fast they'd be though...

good luck! can't wait to hear more about the house, CONGRATS!

julie said...

ot to worry, we will all just have to wait although I must admit the susoense is killing me. I will still check in each day just in case you manage to sort it out

jules x

mollycupcakes said...

Oh hun we can wait for those photos not to worry but I know you will.
Things will sort themselves out and your be posting fabulous photos before you know it.
Have a lovley weekend.
Speak soon, please let me know where I can send Talulla's birthday treats.
Many hugs.
Catherine x